Deputy Speaker: Congressional Report(Day 1,392)

Day 1,392, 11:08 Published in Canada USA by Prince A.Joseph

Congressional Report,

Hello, and welcome to the first Congressional Report of this term! This report will be about voting result. Don't worry I will keep this article short.

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ODC Voting result:

Discussion:The New Speaker Speaks
Deputy Speaker: Prince A.Joseph-Congress approved Prince A.Joseph(Me)as the Deputy Speaker. Thank you to everyone that voted for me

Discussion:eCanada-eUSA Congressional Exchange
eCanada-eUSA Congressional Exchange representative-congratulation to AngryMobMan, he's our representative this month.

Discussion:VAT Rate
VAT Rate-Congress did not want any change on VAT Tax

Discussion:Aeriala Impeachment
Impeachment -Congress did not approved the impeachment of Aeriala.

In game:President Impeachment-have been rejected

Discussion:Attorney General
Attorney General Election-Pending

Also, just click on the link to see what congressmen vote for what.
End of Congressional Report.

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Well, that is what Congress has been up to for the past little while. There are some very productive and respectful discussions that are currently going on, so I would encourage everyone to visit the forums more often and check it out for yourself.

Remember, Congress-members are elected by you. So if you have any suggestions, questions, complaints, etc, you should always feel free to send them a message, Or you could just leave a comment here.

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Open Door Congress
Prince A.Joseph
~Congressmen of Ontario x4
~Deputy Speaker of Congress