Conserve THOSE EBS!

Day 4,392, 21:31 Published in USA USA by chickensguys
South America
Today, we strategically withdrew from Peru. This will end our declaration of war but we will continue being a presence in the area. We played a very skillful role as a blocker and drain during very trying times. The Peru campaign matched our initial expectations and achieved its goals for now. Our tanks were able to enjoy a few epic battles for the US and several of our soldiers were able to get a large amount of True Patriot CC, which is always nice. We intend to work closely with our allies to provide similar campaigns in the future.

Black Friday
Today is Black Friday; you have probably acquired a good amount of ebs today. There will be a tendency to use these immediately. I ask that you show restraint and in the next days and weeks we will take steps to coordinate a real and challenging battle.

Today, I humbly accepted the nomination from the Constitutionalist Party and the We The People Party, two of America’s premier political parties. Winning their nomination was a tremendous honor and I want to thank everyone who supported me in that process. I urge you, my fellow Americans, to consider supporting me for the Presidential Election in December. It will be an honor to serve you.

President of the eUnited States of America.
eUSA Telegram: