Congress in Canterbury!

Day 1,160, 19:41 Published in New Zealand Turkey by Manny Calavera

Kia Ora Kiwis!
Once again I am throwing my hat into the ring and running for Congress in Canterbury, the region where I was born IRL. The past month has been an extremely busy time for me as I have taken on the role of Squad CO for Unit 3 of the NZDF and the assistant Minister of Education for eNew Zealand. I have no prior experience in congress, but who would I be if I didn't follow the advice I gave in my last article Dare to dream just a little bit and try to do more? Here is my platform for the upcoming race.

1. New Players
Everyone knows that the future of an eNation isn't necessarily how strong your fighter are (even though we drop some pretty heavy damage for such a small country), but your ability to recruit new players. We are a small country trying to grow and without new, active, and well educated players we cannot hope to compete or fend off foriegn invaders! I would like to see a lot more new citizens in our country and make sure that they are nurtured into eRep fanatics like the rest of us!

I hope many of you enjoyed the battles that just took place in our land swap with eAustralia. I know that I did! Besides the wars that we often join in with our allies in Serbia and Slovenia, we have little to do here besides bicker with one another. We have to do something to bring more fun to the everyday players. I propose a Minister of Fun, to come up with new ideas for getting more people involved with the nation and to improve the quality of elife in New Zealand.

3. National Unity
I have written a number of articles about this, neither of which were received well, so I took the time to actually get to know our present Country President Kurojca, and I have to say that he is a really good guy. We had never really spoken before until I PM'd him about the war with the Aussies, and he took the time to explain it to me. I have also met with and spoken with him numerous times via IRC. The bickering must stop! We are still a young nation in the eWorld and I assure you there is no PTO! The Serbians and Slovenians just have a different way of doing things that we are not used to. I have to say that the communication is coming around, and that is the first step towards a nation all heading in the same direction... toward progress.
Thank you all very much for reading this, and I hope to see you all in the polls! Forward for Progress with the Peace 'n' Prosperity Party!

Xanthar Zaiban
Hopeful Congressional Member of Canterbury