Comm-Link #005

Day 4,151, 16:48 Published in Ireland Ireland by Violence Seth

Last Episode: Comm-Link #004

Cpt. Petrov's Notes: It was bad enough I had to fly all the way from H.Q so I could be bored to death by Dr. Andrews and all the other adjunct nobodies for Dr. Fogarthy's Third Quarter Review but he didn't even show up to it himself! He told me over Comm-Link that 2nd Lt. Sean Murphy had successfully captured some important Estonian rebel leader called Major Sepp with a band of Goshawk soldiers "fiercely loyal to him". That little punk.

Then Rasa Blank decided to quite literally drop in on us. They killed nearly twenty of our guards and staff before we could restrain them. The O'Malley triplets. Fogarthy isn't responding, he must be out of range. God knows where he goes. So I guess it's up to me for now. I f*cking hate these quarters, this building, this whole miserable country. I'm all tensed up, I can feel my mind burning. Luckily I had the foresight to bring my dog Dr. Mcallistar and my dog's repair-woman Dr. Payne with me. I don't know what Rasa Blank where planning to do but I'll find out soon enough.


Liberty Hall, Dublin, Ireland
Day 4151, 11.00 eRT

I've all of them tied to a special, slightly tilted rack. They've been isolated for nearly four days now. Their rooms are pitch black and sound proof. I occasionally drop water on them so they won't die of thirst but sometimes I forget to close the faucet completely tight. That dripping water on their skulls, the irregular timing and ceaselessness of it. No sleep, just tap, tap, tap in the dark, your limbs burning from trying to stay upright. It can drive a person insane within a few hours. Or so I've heard.

Yet, I haven't heard a single noise from their cells. They just hang there, in complete defiance of me. I sit and watch them from the monitors in my quarters, waiting for one of them to break. It's been almost four f*cking days and all they've done is soil themselves. I called in my dog, the man formerly known as Macalliser into my quarters to keep an eye on the monitors. I gave him a couple of hard love smacks to make sure he payed attention like a good dog should. He nodded and I gave him a little pet as a reward. I find the Irish to be quite subservient when properly trained.

I tapped on the twin with the moustache's door, Liam I think he's called, the effeminate one. I whispered, "Hey, I can get you out of here but you'll have to trust me. That Captain will be back soon." I slid a tray of bread, butter and meat through the slot under his door. I released his restraints from the control panel outside his cell. I could hear him slam to the floor, obviously weak from the rack. I could faintly hear him eating desperately.

I walked towards the elevators and Comm-Linked Dr. Payne to send up four unarmed guards immediately. They arrived late and knew they where in trouble but I didn't have the time to punish them. I stood down the hallway and set up my old hunting rifle, re-purposed for tranquilizer darts. They opened the door and I could see the tray of food completely untouched. Liam came bursting out of the room completely naked, using his clothes to strangle one of the guards. I have to say, it was really impressive. Still though, I had to subdue him eventually with my tranquilizer rifle before he got loose. Some Medics took the dead guard away and I helped to strap the drooling, naked Liam back on to his rack.

When he was up there I regarded him for a while then took a closer at his drooping face. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he spat directly into my eye. I spent a fair amount of time with a high-voltage taser on him but nothing seemed to illicit any other emotion from him other than hatred. I considered castrating him but it would have been more drama then it was worth so instead I left his ceiling tap just the right amount loose and went back to my quarters to clean up and calm down with a quick Rakia.

Mcallistar said none of the others had moved since I was gone. I believed him but I guess something just felt wrong so I brought him out into the hall to practice my close quarters training on him. Dr. Payne was soon in attendance, quietly but disrespectfully asking me to stop. So I knocked him out and had her and her sulking team drag him off to get patched up.

The following day I took them all to the roof of Liberty Hall. They where still playing the quiet game so I hung the other brother, Mick, with a rope and then pulled the bags off their heads. "We're gonna go for a helicopter ride! Unfortunately there is not enough room so your brother Mick will have to wait behind." They'd just seen each other for the first time in days so I let them get anything they might want to say off there collective chests. Still they wouldn't talk. "Well maybe Mick can come with us after all?" I pulled the noose tight around his neck and nodded to the pilot to start the engine. They just nodded at each other like fools, acting brave. "Tell me what you where doing here and maybe we can postpone this sight seeing trip? Who sent you? Who is ordering you around? Huh?" The noise of the helicopter was almost deafening. Their eyes just went blank. "Alright then, lets go flying, shall we?" Still nothing.

We took off from the heli-pad. Mick struggled, being swung about high over Dublin town. The other siblings just looked dead ahead. "He doesn't have to die you know. Family first right!?" I was screaming in their faces but they still wouldn't budge. Suddenly my Comm-Link started buzzing. I told the pilot to set the helicopter down. Mick dropped like a bag of potatoes, excuse the pun, coughing and writhing on the heli-pad. It was Fogarthy. He cursed me out, telling me the Civs would think we where the monsters and I was in big trouble, blah, blah..

As soon as we landed, the O'Malleys where handed over to a very angry little woman dressed in the full military regalia of a Hungarian General. I demanded to see her papers but her men held me to gun point. My men, cowards that they are dropped their weapons. Her men where definitely Goshawk, I could tell by their gear. She handed me a whole concordance list of paperwork, all with the official Goshawk letterheads. I was to return to H.Q immediately. I'm told the O'Malleys are now in glass paneled cells under the supervision of.. well her. I can't remember exchanging names. My dog, who I had trained so well is to be left in Liberty Hall with Dr. Payne.

Before I took off for the airstrip back to Israel, Dr. Payne rushed up to try re-inject her Type-03 formula. She said it was vital. I told her I'd take my chances. I took the syringe from her though. I'll get it checked out back at H.Q. If she was planning to poison me I'll add her to the list of skulls that need f*cking.

At least I'm leaving Ireland, finally. There's only one Paddy I have to deal with now, that hopped up punk 2nd Lt. Sean Murphy. Fogarthy may be exaggerating his accomplishments to try motivate me but I need no motivation when it comes to killing Irishmen.

Signing off, Captain Petar Atanasov Petrov
Head of Intelligence, Goshawk
The Proud Lion of Bulgaria


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. It's not supposed to portray Bulgarians as sadistic lunatics. That would be absurd. This fictional character is an evil evil boi that happens to be from Bulgaria. So no hate Bulgarians. One love!