Ask the congress?(Day 1,222)Week 1

Day 1,222, 12:23 Published in Canada USA by Prince A.Joseph

Dear Canada,

I come before you today humbled and eager to bring Ask the Congress?. How this work, Any Canadian may ask any question, we the Congress we do are best to answer also if you have any suggestion feel free to share.
My goal is to make sure your voice is heard.
Ask the Congress?
Tuesday the answer will be up


The first opportunity is to maximize the net pay of employees by setting income taxes at 1%.

The second opportunity is to maximize the value to employers of labour costs by setting income taxes at 1%. See the first opportunity, this is two birds with one stone.

The third opportunity is to provide employment options for all eCanadians through harvester jobs by setting import taxes at 99% for high commodity types.

The fourth opportunity is to align the interests of the state with those of the consumer by shifting government tax revenues to be VAT based and setting VAT to 10% for each product.

The fifth opportunity is to provide eCanadians with competitive pricing for products in the domestic marketplace by lowering the import tax on all products to 10%.

The sixth opportunity is to actively support all eCanadian entrepreneurs in their pursuit of 10% profit on all capital they employ by maintaining import tax rates of at least 10% on all products and commodities and VAT rates of 10% on all products.

The seventh opportunity is to support our domestic manufacturing industry by actively maintaining a full complement of high regions covering every commodity so that our businesses are as competitive as mechanically possible in this game.

The eighth opportunity is to foster transparency and accountability in government spending by reducing tax revenues (see one through seven) and creating more dependence upon bond issues where government must lay out what they want and what they intend to do with funds and earn the support of those who can afford to support it.

Hope to see you at the forum soon!!!

Consider joining Ministry of Opportunity MOO today. MOO is committed to keeping income taxes low, keeping product prices low, and keeping wads of money out of the hands of government. Join the MOO forum.