A dream about China with THC fantasy

Day 5,945, 15:40 Published in USA Paraguay by Conny Island

The first recorded use of Marijuana was in China 4700 years ago. The document from which this evidence has been discerned is over 12,000 pages long, and mostly covers the scholar's theories about unicorns, the illuminati and snack cakes.

China is the world's most populous country with over 1.38 billion citizens. To put that into perspective, if you made every Chinese person jump up in the air, you would be the world's greatest choreographer.

It is illegal in China for those with parents over 60 not to visit them regularly. In Argentina nobody lives old enough for this to matter, and even if they do no one listens to them

China is the least religious country in the world with only 7% of people having any sort of faith. In Argentina many people have faith, but only in the form of the 1987 single by George Michael.

Chinese air pollution is one of the causes behind snowfall in California, leading many to wish they'd created more pollution earlier in order to prevent the creation of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

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