[Q America] A Look Into My Future

Day 3,647, 08:17 Published in USA USA by King James88

Upon my return to the game under a new account here I noticed we are doing more training wars. That is not a bad thing however. As I got caught up reading the latest news I read about our dealings with Colin expressing intentions to declare war against Pacifica and go after a easy target in his view which he felt Russia to be that ideal target. What struck me many wanted a war against him and the nations that supported the idea. To look at this further I thought America would take this moment to declare war and get the whole country involved. Even in comments of the article seemed many really wanted that war to happen. But in sense I can see why not retaliate against. We should be there for our friends nor we should be afraid to declare war if needed. A nation must listen to its citizens but it is ultimately up to leaders of our nation aka congress to make that decision. Just hope we aren't missing out on something that needed to happen. This occurred before I returned and this is a problem that's not going away. Not sure if its really anything. All I am saying eUSA should never back down from a fight. If need to, it is ready to commit to such an effort at any time.

As I look to future in my own party, the SFP, I will look at ways to improve it. How I see our party is want lay the foundation for a future PP run. My goals is basically get all eUSA citizens to build a revolution to aid the workers of the eWorld. That eUSA will play its part to help others in the greater struggle. Look at ways to get more people producing raw materials, food, weapons, aircraft, and storage space to make their companies to be successful economically. This is just an early idea for a foundation for party program to help people. Not sure if its something new or something old that needs be reintroduced. My theory is if we can help put more into the marketplace, more jobs will be available. This may not entirely put the black market to rest but if it helps encourage creating more jobs to make money then it would be worth it. In the end this something also I don't want anyone become dependent on either. Once set up for the future everything will be fine but this program could also serve as a fallback if any assistance is needed. This idea is in development.

As I look into the future I will look at everything I can do as I am interested in running for PP president. It is important that the SFP gets involved and be the party that believes in "To protect, to defend and to help". This is the vision I hope to see the SFP become. Not quite the anarchists it brands itself as but as a party that is willing to solve problems and be full participates in eUSA. It starts by getting everyone involved, recruiting others and more importantly as much as the SFP despises the eUSA forums is be involved there too. This what I see what the SFP can be and perhaps we can earn our trust by the other parties that we are no longer hated. The important thing is that we listen to each other and figure out how to make this game fun that we all love.
