[MDP] Connor MacLeod for an Engaged Newfoundland and Labrador

Day 1,581, 08:53 Published in Canada Canada by Connor MacLeod

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I'm pleased to announce my candidacy for Congress in Newfoundland and Labrador.

It has been an eventful Feb/March congressional term. I've not had many contact me to express their views on how eCanada is governed so I've used my own judgement when confronted by contriversial issues. As with most sessions, this boils down to only a couple issues.

Tax Changes
There were two significant tax changes this month. First was increasing the import taxes on weapons raw material (WRM). There was significant energy put into following the WRM pricing which basically proved that the only force that truly affects pricing in this game (hello Plato). Later on in the term we have increased the Value Added Tax (VAT) that people pay when purchasing goods. This was necessary as the previous VAT levels were artificially low to help reduce the surplus in the treasury.

The Rolo Pardon

I voted in favour of the Rolo pardon. It's a deeply divisive issue in our community, I know, but I feel this is the best way forward for everyone in the long term. I do wish that we could have used a different word than "pardon", but I'm hopefull that ends will justify the means here.

Abolishment of Supreme Court

This won't affect any of you who don't visit the eCanada Forums but it does represent a further degredation of life on the forums. The Supreme Court was setup to provide a psuedo legal system for members of the eCanadian community to pursue remedy for any injuries caused to them. The court was setup in the halcyon days of eCanada and as participation on the forums has diminished since those heady days, some argue (and I agree) that it has become an administrative nightmare with little if any impact on the game (see the Rolo issue). In my thinking, it's not logical to pursue this institution at this time. Reduce the overhead and let the admin team deal with forum issues. There is also synergy with my view of moving discussions more in-game.

eBulgaria Embargo
This proposal is part lulz and part expression of anger. There is much unhappiness at seeing the level of Bulgarian activity in some of the EPC backed resistance wars. It's in eCanada's best interest that the embargo failed and I believe the message was received the the eBulgaria government that their silence on the issue was not received well by eCanada.


A fallout of the Rolo pardon vote, the EPC represents the interests of several high profile, senior eCanadians. I can understand their strong feelings towards Rolo, but I'm a little perplexed and saddened that they are reacting in such a destructive manner. I respect their position and their right to leave for a different community if they feel that their views are no longer represented in eCanada. I hope that as time moves along that we can all reach a mutual acceptable resolution to the disagreement.

From an involvement standpoint I've also volunteered to be a Military Unit (MU) Auditor for the next 3 months. I'm committed to helping eCanada's current MUs streamline their operations and increase their self sufficiency. More on this topic in a later article.

I hope I have earned your vote for the next term so I can continue to help move eCanada forward. My MDP colleagues and I have been at the forefront of change this congressional term. Please help us continue to create an Effective, Efficient, Engaged congress.

In game link - http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/military-dictatorship-party-3372/1

Forums - http://dictatorship.forumotion.com/

MDP Donate and Win Contest - http://tinyurl.com/85eyl65