[eIre CP] Wrap up and what to expect

Day 3,516, 05:27 Published in Ireland Ireland by Aras an Uachtarain

Greetings eIreland,

As an another Country President election draws to a close, we can look back at the term that was and the one that is to come. This term that is wrapping up saw quite a lot of action on the military side of the game, however not much else where. While some of this wrap up has been covered over and over.... please bear with me as I briefly go over it all again....

The Department of Finance was left to it's own devices for this term, with no major attempt at any Money Market plays or a push for Org renting. While no expenditure was used, even with congress allowing for a defence budget (private funds was used for CO's), the country was left to slowly grow it's income via standard taxes as well as taxes from occupied regions in the UK. All MPPs were also privately funded, due to the need for a quick increase in the MPP stack to help in the wars.

This in turn will become a topic for the upcoming term, due to the fact, as a CP, I personally have no issue using private funds for congress approved programs, it does bring up the issue of what to do when a 'sugar daddy' leaves the game or puts their wallet away or worse, holds a country to black mail. A nation needs to be self sufficient, but it also needs to address the fact money should be spent when it is urgently required.

For this coming term, I am hoping to see a few things in this regard. First of all, I am waiting to see if Nogin has some spare time to help out in the Money Markets, to try and generate some extra cash, plus an open and frank discussion in congress about trying to ascertain different ways of making eIreland financially self sufficient.

Note: MoF report will be produced after day change. Also program roll out for this coming term will be a trialed basis with results presented to congress for potential adoption.

The Department of Defence was one busy sector of this term. With two actual wars forced upon eIreland, the DoD came together with other departments and worked hard to make orders come in a timely fashion as well as battle plans to ensure our victory on multiple fronts. This work in DoD was done by Fitisin while he was busy with real life, as well as helped along by other members of cabinet, congress and friends.

Ireland showed that it is no longer a whipping boy for the bigger nations and it can put aside it's internal differences to defend it's core regions. While we are still suffering from some of the last effects of bad leadership of the past (shown by the UK's reasons for war, plus some No's to MPP requests), the DoD with the help of the DoFA are slowly changing that.

This term, I have manage to convince Kattiaa to come back to the game from her '2 clicking', to help out in the DoD. As well as approaching some other players to ensure that the Department of Defence is well staffed. We as a government will be looking at ways to ensure our citizens can earn some good old True Patriot points, however, if we go to war, be it a Training War or Actual War, we will be doing it with all the Pro's and Con's looked at and with congress approval.

The Department of Foreign Affairs was spearheaded by Machiavelli this term. And through his hard work and connections, we were able to quickly bolster our MPP stack, bring in friends and allies from across the eWorld to assist in the defence of Ireland, as well as bridging divides that Ireland has suffered in the past. While Mach is not much of an article writer and tries to stay away from the congress thread in fear of 'speaking his mind', he has played a strong role behind the scenes in working for Ireland and her protection. Some might think Cabinet is all quiet and hidden, but in reality, some cabinet members get on with the job at hand, with out the need to be in the spotlight.

In this upcoming term, I have asked Mach to continue on and he will be assisted by Khanul in this role. The things they will be doing, is ensuring that our MPP stack stays strong, reaching out to those countries who are in need of a helping hand, continuing to rebuild bridges as well as looking at potential ways of increasing Irelands standing in the community at large.

In this upcoming term, your government hopes to mainly concentrate on domestic polices. While we will still look far and wide for any military fun, our main goal will be to use the momentum of the previous terms, to generate internal growth. I personally will be hoping that with a larger cabinet, I can focus more on rolling out some decent programs for the Irish citzens, as well as the creative writing aspect of the game.

In saying that, with any 'online' role, it is time consuming and can be a hindrance on peoples real life needs. Due to this, all cabinet members will be taking home a pay check, that is based on their performance. Both Mach and Fitisin worked hard and were paid accordingly based on the role they did and what they achieved during their time behind the desk. This is something that will continue during this term.

So if your interested in helping cabinet out (sorry if you have already messaged me earlier and I have forgotten), please send me a PM with details of where you think you might be able to lend a hand.

For now, the current cabinet will be:

CP: Rusty D
Mo😨 Kattiaa
dMo😨 Sentinial Prime
MoFA: Mach
dMoFA: Khanul
dMoFA: Elliot C
MoF: (Hoping it will be Nogin)
Unassigne😛 A Lena

Note: These positions might be changed about to ensure eIreland gets the best out of each department.

Rusty D
Proud servant of eIreland