[EA] A Vote for EA is a Vote for eIreland!

Day 4,022, 18:57 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher

Citizens of the Republic,
Congress Elections are approaching, so I'd like to let everyone know more about Eire Aonair.
Éire Aonair is a political party in eRepublik. The core idea of ÉA is to transcend left and right-wing politics to create a political advocate for those ideas that bring the most benefit to eIreland. ÉA deals in eRepublik ideas, not in real life ideas and ideologies.
Éire Aonair is dedicated to a strong and sovereign eIreland. The only requisite for membership is to share that dedication.

Eire Aonair's constitution outlines four basic values: community, individual responsibility, fair play/respect, and principles over politics. It identifies independent thought as a main feature of the party and states that free speech, open mindedness, participation in public debate, and honesty should be first and foremost. Essentially, Eire Aonair is outlined as a party of democracy for people with ideas and a willingness to do good.

For more information on Éire Aonair check out our wiki page.
So Please Remember: