[CP] Ireland-USA NAP and Lottery Results

Day 3,828, 18:46 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher

Citizens of the Republic,
The Irish and American governments have agreed on the following treaty:
Peace between the USA and Ireland

The nation of Ireland and the USA cease hostilities between each others unless explicitly mentioned otherwise below.

All core regions of the USA under the occupation of Ireland shall be liberated as soon as possible, unless explicitly mentioned otherwise below or mutually agreed on a later date.

Any counterpart in the treaty may engage in a mutually agreed Training War with another counterpart if both countries so wish and publicly so declare.

The State of New York Will Remain under Irish Occupation for 30 days after the ratification of this treaty, and this status may be renewed with public consent of both Irish and American Governments.

The peace deal will be considered active when the leaders of the USA and Ireland (as designated in eRepublik) have signed below, and will end 120 days after the signing.
Signed, Day 3828
rainy sunday, CP (USA)
King Trito Fisher, CP (Ireland)
Feynmann, MoFA (USA)
aimeisan, MoFA (Ireland)

Lottery Results, the 5 Random Numbers are: (after 10 tries to get any winners whatsoever 😛)
I provided the screenshot, because no one trusts me for some reason 😁
To emphasize, the numbers are 95,60,85,48,77
Our winner is... T1nk3r!!!
with a grand prize of 10 gold and 1800 CC.
Congratulations and....
Thank you,
Commander Trito Fisher