[AG] Top Aviators League - Week 2

Day 5,082, 20:11 Published in Indonesia Switzerland by Difa AG

Day 5082

Selamat Siang Pilot Armada Garuda
Good day Armada Garuda Pilots

Bagaimana perolehan minggu terakhir?
How's your gain last week?

Berikut ini kami umumkan hasil dari Kill serta Reward program "AG Top Aviators League" untuk Minggu ke-2.
Herewith we announce result of kill and reward "AG Top Aviators League" program for Week 2

Semua peserta memperoleh bonus cc berdasar jenjang rank dan jumlah kill masing-masing.
All of participants will get cc bonus based on each rank and kill amount

Harap komen di artikel ini untuk mendapatkan rewards sebelum koran edisi berikutnya terbit
You need to comment in this article in order to claim the rewards

🏆Pemenang Week 2 | This week's champion🏆

Congratulations AG Boeds!

🏆Hall of Fame🏆
AG.gerusan - 4
AG.Camat Menteng - 3
AG Boeds - 3
Chochohito - 1
Riyan BG - 1

Dengan ditetapkannya AG.Boeds pemenang pada Week 2, maka sekaligus dinobatkan sebagai komandan baru Armada Garuda.

This week’s champion AG.Boeds is also inaugurated as the new commander of Armada Garuda.

Congratulations to AG.Boeds and thank you to AG.Camat Menteng.

As per first instruction of new commander, Top Aviator League will continue during Halloween Challenge.

Get your rewards as much as possible!

Some succeed because they are destined to; most succeed because they are determined to.


Week 2 Captain

Day 5.082