[呆呆魚・潛水報] # 17 M # eRepublik 手機版 APP Alpha・eRepublick Mobile APP Closed Alpha

Day 3,831, 05:37 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by gugufish

首先,因為我外國朋友有所增加,所以我嘗試使用中英文來寫這份報紙,順便看看我要寫多久 XD
First, I try to write this article in Chinese and English because I have many foreign friends. And testing how long I will spend to finish this article.

收到可以參與手機版 APP Closed alpha (後面簡稱 APP 或 APP-alpha) 的資訊後,就填了資料參與試用測試,目前的版本是 2018.5.1 (111) Alpha,試用了一下發現很多問題,但同時也發現他們有嘗試增加許多不錯的功能。
After getting the information about eRepublik Mobile Closed Alpha (hereinafter called "APP" or "APP-alpha"), I fill my information and join for testing. Current version is 2018.5.1 (111) Alpha. I found many problems, but I also found they try to develop many amazing functions.

目前該 APP-alpha 只有英文版本,會不會出多語言版本目前還不知道。
Currently, it's only have English version. I don't know if the multi-language version will be developed in the future.

接下來,就來介紹 APP-alpha 吧!
Let start to introduce the APP-alpha!

I will explain the UI and functions by pictures.

APP-alpha 的 APP 圖示
APP-alpha's icon

Splash screen

Login screen


這裡其實有個 Bug,就是當你密碼輸入錯誤的時候,是不會提醒你的 XD
Here has a bug. When you use wrong password, it won't be warning you.

然後我就又不小心找到另一個問題,我想要退出這個 APP-alpha,卻怎樣都無法關閉他 Orz
And then I "accidentally" found another problem(bug). When I want to exit APP-alpha, I can't exit by any way.

Main screen

There are several part on the main screen include personal energy, money(gold and currency), a virtual city, and menu bar. Work, Training Ground, Marketplace, Storage, and Traval(Airport) wii be physical building in the virtual city. It's an interesting idea.
I will introduce each function sequencely I marked on the main screen.
PS: I hide the amount of money because its my personal information. Question mark is I did, it's not system problem.


但是這個狀況只有在輸入帳號密碼登入後,或是長時間未使用 APP-alpha 然後打開使用他時才會發生,如果登入後把程式關閉再打開,主畫面上的缺字現象就會消失。
Partial label text can't display normally include all physical building's name in virtual city except Training Ground. "Mission" and "War" on the menu bar can't display normally either.
But it's only occurred when input username and password to login, or didn't use it for long time and start to use it. If we close APP and restart it, this issue will be disappear.



04. (#A)
Virtual City

The virtual city has many physical building include Training Ground, Marketplace, Work, Travel(Airport), and Storage. The detail are as following.

Training Ground

訓練場進入後看到的跟 Web 版沒有差異太大,因為抓圖時都是訓練完成的狀況,所以尚未訓練的情況可能要之後再補充。
The detail in the Training Ground is similar with web version. This screenshot indicate all training are already finished. Maybe I will add some description of doesn't training yet in the future.



市集裡只會顯示現在目前所在位置的國家,其市場可購買的物資,並不能像 Web 版一樣,還可以購買國籍市場的物資。選擇要購買的物資後,是使用滑動條調整要購買的數量,系統一樣會自動計算總價格多少。
Only all items of the nation's marketplace where you located will be displayed. It's not like web version you also can buy the items of citizenship's nation. When you want to buy something, you can click one item and slide the sliding bar to decide how many items you want to buy, and the system will subtotal for you automatically.


The "Buy" button in the Marketplace is blank.



After entering "Work", it will display the basic salary information. Click "Work" or "Work Overtime" to earn salary. Click "See all jobs" will list all jobs in job market.


可以發現畫面上有個按鈕一直沒有字,那是個「辭職」的按鈕,記得不要亂按他測試,會沒有任何警示下就直接辭職. 😐
We can found there is a button without any text. It's a "Resign" button. Remember, DON'T PUSH THIS BUTTON FOR TESTING, YOU WILL RESIGN FROM YOUR JOB DIRECTLY WITHOUT ANY WARNING. 😐



如果想要移動到別的地方,目前在 APP-alpha 裡必須到機場選擇要前往的地方(或是從功能列使用機場功能),目的地有輸入部分文字後給予地名提示的功能。
If you want to move to other location or country, you have to click "Traval" on main screen (or use "Traval" in menu bar). When you input partial name of the destination, it will give you some hint to select the destination, just like auto-complete.



倉庫中會顯示所有倉庫的庫存,但是沒有如 Web 版本一樣有可以設定販賣物品的功能。
It show all inventories in the Storage. But it can't sell any item as like web version.

As usual, the question marks are made to hide personal properties' information. The amount of items are displayed normally in APP-alpha.

05. (#B )
Personal energy information

After entering personal energy information, the personal energy function dialog will pop-up. You can eat food or energy bar to recovery your energy.

07. (#C)
Money information

Currently, it only display how many gold and currency you have.


Nothing happened after clicking the "Plus" button beside gold or currency.

08. (#D)
Utilities information

There is a small booster icon always display on the right side of main screen. It's a shortcut to list all utilities information include all packs you bought, boosters, accelerators, and houses. You can see the utilities' usage status and remaining time. You also can activate some utilities here.


我不確定這是否算是一個 bug,因為我並沒有定居,所以房子應該要可以關閉,但是他卻沒有關閉功能。
I am not sure if it's a bug. Because I didn't resident anywhere, so I can deactivate my house but I can't find the deactivate function.

09. (#E)
Current location

單純顯示目前所在位置,沒有任何額外功能。 XD
It's only show which location you are located. It doesn't have any other functions.

10. (#F)

After clicking the chatroom on the bottom of main screen, the chatroom dialog will pop-up. You can talk in the chatroom.


聊天室目前完全不支援中文,原本在聊天室裡的中文字元都不會顯示,只會顯示剩下的英文字,輸入中文後會呈現看不到中文的情況,不過在網頁版的聊天室卻可以看到內容。 😐
Chatroom is not support Chinese. (Maybe it's not support multi-language.) All Chinese word in history message won't be display normally. Only the English letters will be displayed. After inputing and sending Chinese message, it shows a blank conversation and can't see any Chinese words. But the message can be read normally in Chinese in the web version.

11. (#G)
Main screen (Home)

A button to back to main screen.

12. (#H)

It shows all uncompleted missions here. It will be divided to "Daily Missions" and "Citizen Missions". The screenshot shows all missions are completed.

13. (#I)

和 Web 版一樣,分為內部信件和通知兩塊,也可以在 APP-alpha 發站內訊息給別人,而且可以收到有訊息或通知時,會在手機上出現提醒訊息。
As like web version, it's divided two parts: message and alert. You also can send message to others in game via APP-alpha. You will receive the cell phone's notification when you got message or alert.


The title of Alert tab is blank.



信件不支援中文,在標題或內文中輸入中文後,都還是呈現空白。但其實不管三七二十一輸入完送出後,在 Web 版的內容是會顯示的。 😆
Message does not support Chinese. (Maybe doesn't support multi-language). After trying to input Chinese on subject and content, it's still blank. But if we don't care it's blank after inputing Chinese and sending message, it can be read in web version normally. 😆



If receiving someone donate money, the "Accept" and "Reject" are not working.

14. (#J)

戰場功能比較有趣一點,找到要前往的戰場後,可以點選那個橘色的按鈕進入戰場。進入後可以看到精美的打仗動畫,不過空戰的畫面目前也還是坦克就是。 😆
如果想要參戰,可以按戰場的「參戰(Deploy)」按鈕,如果有需要飛的情況,系統是會跳出確認視窗,只是裡面有 bug 看不出來到底在講什麼。😐
一旦參戰以後,也可以隨時在輸出過程中按下「取消參戰(Cancel Deploy)」取消攻擊,參戰後如果到戰場列表頁面,會標注已經在哪一場參戰。
值得注意的是,就算有 MP 包,似乎也無法在戰場上切換參與的分區。
The function of "War" is more interesting. You can select one campaign you want to join in the war list. After entering battlefield, you will see amazing animation of war. But it's still use tank animation when it's air round.😆
The "Fire-line" a the middle of battlefield is indicate the damage wall's status. If the damage wall is move forward to one side, the "Fire-line" is also move forward to the same side.
You can see the fighter statistics by click the upper "i" button, but it can't select the statistics of other division. If you want to close this statistics page, you can use back button of mobile phone or push the "black" button. 😅
If you wan to join this battle, you can click "Deploy" button to join it. If fly to battlefield is necessary, the flying option dialog will pop-up. But there is a bug on this dialog, so I don't know what's message the dialog said. 😐
And then you need decide how many energy you want to use to fight. This function is very fun. Except you need to select which weapon you want to use, you can decide the total energy you want to use, include using energy bar.
After deploying, you can use "Cancel Deploy" to stop fighting. The war list will indicate which battlefield you have already joined.
There is one thing need to notice. Even you have Maverick Pack, there is no any function to switch to other division.


The button of "Enter battlefield" in the war list is blank.



The search function in "War" is not working.



If we decide to join some battle, all text in the pop-up flying option dialog are blank.

15. (#K)

"More" is a set of all functions' shortcut. I will introduce them as following.


Weekly Challenge Information

這個選項顯示了玩家參與每週挑戰的狀態,顯示已經完成的取得的聲望點數和獎勵,以及完成總進度 (4萬點為 100😵
It display player's weekly challenge information after clicking this button. It shows the prestige point and rewards player got and the total progress (100% is 40K pp).


完成總進度的圖示竟然是倉庫。 😆
The icon of the prestige point progress is storage.



與 04 (#A) 提及的機場的功能一樣。
The function is same as the description of Travel in 04 (#A).


Utilities information

與 08 (#D) 功能一樣。
The function is same as 08 (#D).



與 04 (#A) 提及的倉庫的功能一樣。
The function is same as the description of Storage in 04 (#A).



與 04 (#A) 提及的市集的功能一樣。
The function is same as the description of Marketplace in 04 (#A).


Energy Refill

與 05 (#😎 提及的個人體力資訊的功能一樣。
The function is same as 05 (#😎.


Send Feedback

如果有 APP-alpha 操作上的問題,或是發現問題,可以按這個按鈕,他會呼叫手機內的 Email 軟體,直接寫信給他們回報問題。
If you have any question about operation or bug discovery, you can push this button to call the email APP in your cell phone. And you can write feedback and send to eRepublik Lab.



點選登出後會回到登入畫面,但是不會離開 APP-alpha。 😆
You can logout via pushing logout button and you will back to login page. But it won't close this APP-alpha.

以上,就是目前整個 APP-alpha 的全貌,提供給各位參考,但是記得,畢竟現在還在測試階段,所以未來更新後可能會長不一樣。
Here is the introduction about the whole APP-alpha for everyone reference. Remember, it's on the closed alpha testing stage. Maybe it will be different in the future.

整篇文章足足花了一整天才寫的完,但主要是圖文對照部分麻煩一點就是了 XD
This article spend my whole day to finish it. But the most difficult part is write text-picture cross-reference. XD
Hop you like this article.