WORLD WAR NEWS -DAY 1642 : Turkey Wiped.

Day 1,642, 19:23 Published in USA USA by Hale26

China winning war in Venezeula
Turkey Wiped, Greeks stike at Macedonia
Serbia wipes Italy, re-opens war with Croatia
Hungary occupies central France
Slovenia wages war to reclaim Homeland, gains border with France
Showdown in Austria ?

China Winning War In Venezuela
As expected, China is currently winning it's war on Venezuela, occupying half the nation over the course of 4 days. As reported earlier, China originally entered North-South America thorough Indonesian held territories in both the Phillippines and Columbia. If China wins this war, occupying all of Venezuelan held Venezuela, they will have a border with Spain. Spain being a powerful ONE nation, a war between the behemoths of China and Spain would definetly add a new dimension to overall war.

Turkey Wiped, Greeks Strike At Macedonia
For the first time in months, Turkey has been wiped for 5 days straight by Bulgaria. With Turkey being a massive TEDEN military power, this action will easily scare many a TEDEN soldier and war supporter.
Furthermore, this apparent domination over Turkey could lead to war with either Israel, Cyprus, or Greece, all TEDEN powers. Still, I personally do not see this happening, due to Bulgaria's Non-Agression Pact with China (who borders Turkey at current), which would not have been signed if TEDEN powers were at severe risk. Well..shouldn't have been signed, at least..
In other news, Greece is alive and kicking, trying to take over a Macedonian held Albanian core region.

Serbia Wipes Italian Homeland, Re-opens War With Croatia
Following a 7 day invasion of Italy, all of Italy's core regions have been taken over by Serbia. This will allow for Serbia to attack Greece and France, if they ever had the need to. However, war with either of the mentioned nations does not seem probable, due to a Serbian Declaration of war on Croatia.
Though both Bosnia and Croatia have been occupied by Serbia for weeks now, Croatian rebels captured the Slovenian homeland and set up camp there. But with a Slovenian revolution gaining momentum, and Serbia attacking the capital of New Croatia, Croatia could soon see it's fortunes change for the worse.

Hungary Occupies Central France
Hungary now occupies over half of France, following a brutal 19 day war that is not yet over. Currently, there is a battle for France's capital in North Calais.
With Hungary's native regions being occupied by Romania, it looks as if Hungary is there to stay.

Slovenia Wages War To Reclaim Homeland, Gains Border With France
Following a failed invasion of Southern France, Slovenia was almost wiped off the map. With Croatia and Italy happily occupying it's home territories, and France even more happy to be rid of these would-be invaders, Slovenia took a huge hit for ONE these last couple of days.
However, this apparent domination over Slovenia didn't last long, with Slovenia already waging Resistance wars to reclaim their homeland, and re-taking large parts of Northern Italy. Now Slovenia has reclaimed their border with France (via Italy), and just might be freed up to invade the French again if their luck keeps up.
More details soon.

Showdown in Austria ?
Austria, a neutral nation, has always had bad luck. Either being temporarily taken over as a land bridge for Croatia to Poland, or for Hungary to invade Germany, Austria's strategic importance has been more of a curse then a blessing.
It seems as if this is proving true again, with Romania now declaring war on the neutral nation. On top of this, Poland, Serbia, and Slovenia could be paying Austrian territories a visit, due to a perplexing Croatian invasion of the Nation.
We can expect nothing but war from Austria in the coming days.

Had to rush to write this article, been very busy as of late. Will try to update every 2 days from here on in.