Winfield Betafoxtrot Debate

Day 5,828, 18:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gavin C. Mister

Hello, and welcome to the November 2023 CP debate against Spamican Candidate Betafoxtrot and Coalition Candidate, Incumbent Winfield. I am the moderator Gavin C. Mister and the election is tommorow to which i wish everyone running good luck as we start the debate

Question 1
How will you manage (or continue to manage) the day-to-day operations of the eUK and responsibilities this role has?

Because these activities go on every day under the radar, opponents seem to forget that they are happening and accuse a government of doing nothing. Twice a day the Country President has to check the progress of all of our agreed Training Wars and launch the attacks that keep the cycle going. Without this relationships would break down swiftly. Then there is the constant checking of the Cabinet room for messages and responses that are required. Again this is under the radar of the general public. Decisions have to be made in conjunction with the Minister of Defence, the budget situation has to be monitored and there is always the matter of keeping up with Congress. The Foreign Secretary reports on contacts with other countries and so on. The daily tasks do not go away. Then we come to developing ideas and working out how to put them into practice. The issues flagged in a manifesto are then worked on throughout a term and ways to achieve them are explored.

I will manage as I am always available on eRep, Discord or Telegram so will remain very accessible and will have a strong team around me in my cabinet to aid me with all tasks. I will ensure no battle goes to auto attack as we have seen the past month so that we do not accidentally attack the wrong regions or let the battles stack so that they start and end at the same time.

I'm also more than prepared to keep on top of ministers, ensure they are delivering their brief and importantly, ensure they're contributing to our community rather than stoking division.

Question 2
Seeing how close the last election was, do any of you feel any extended pressure on election night?

No more than the usual pressure in the role throughout the month.

I am highly encouraged by the last election as it has proven to a lot of people that there is a much greater number interested in policy and a genuine want for the eUK to go from strength to strength than just blindly voting for whoever their party president decided so back.

Election days have recently become very exciting, and it's always encouraging to know that you've ran a campaign and assembled a team to try and make the eUK a better place.

Note to Reader,
There was an intended third question but i choose to exclude it because it seemed out of place and not directly involved with any real government matter

Question 3
we have 2 interesting cabinets being proposed, how is your opponents cabinet differ from yours and is that a good or a bad thing in your view

There is a stark difference of experience between my opponent’s proposed Cabinet and my own. I am confident of these people and have seen them perform effectively in the past and in the current term. We have also broadened the Cabinet to include a representative of the British Empire Party, signaling the unity across the other parties supporting me.

My cabinet will be a blend of experienced, proven ministers with a track record in terms of bodies of work, and some brand new faces who I am excited to see what they can do. Myself and the experienced members will be there to support the new Ministers and offer advice and support so that they can succeed.

My opponents differs in this as their cabinet is also proven, but in that they have produced no work. Besides the countless Ministry of Defence orders and a buried Ministry of Finance article, there is no discernible proof that anything has been done at all for the past 4 weeks. I noted there was one new person included in Wingfield’s cabinet but this was not a decision made on ability or ideas, but as a trade for support in the upcoming election.

Of course this is a bad thing in my view, I believe a minister should be appointed based on their merits and not in return for something.

Question 4
anything else you would like to add or rebute something said about you or your opponent?

Not Much, I just wish him luck and to remind everyone to vote

I don’t have anything I need to refute, I wish Wingfield good luck and hope to see a high turnout on election day!