Wilhelm Gunter for Leader of the CPF

Day 936, 00:17 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhelm Gunter

Several months ago, Addy Lawrence won the leadership of the Canadian Progressive Front. Since that time, he has proved to be more than an able leader – I would use the word magnificent. Particularly impressive to me is his writing and how he has raised the public profile of the party. I admire the time and effort that my Daddy has put into representing us – as an active party leader, as a congressman, as a presidential candidate. As a real life father and husband, the time he has spent here has been nothing short of amazing. He ran perhaps the most clean presidential campaign that eCanada has ever seen, on the heels of perhaps the sickest, foulest, vilest campaign we have ever seen. Addy Lawrence also put forth probably the most comprehensive campaign I have ever seen in eRepublik. He has served the Canadian Progressive Front – each and every one of us – well. I also laud him for the way has infused the Privy Council with new blood, by creating the position of 2nd Vice President, a one-month position for newcomers who show promise. He has not been perfect; he has made, what I consider, to be some political faux pas. However, the only one who makes no mistakes, is the one who does nothing. I, too, will make mistakes. The more I do, the more mistakes I will make.

Nevertheless, at this stage in eHistory, a change is needed. New blood is needed. Fresh enthusiasm is required. I believe I can offer that.

Not that Addy needs to be, or should be, kicked off to the side of the road. He has already told me that should he not win, he would love to go back to being more active in his Team 120 preparations, getting the Canadian Progressive Front ready to hit V2 running. This was his baby from the beginning. He birthed it and the vision has always been his. I personally feel that this is where Addy can best serve the party at this crucial point in time, with V2 just weeks away.

I want to make eCanada stronger, and I believe the Canadian Progressive Party is the one to do it. Here’s how:

Renewing our First Love. The Bromance we have with the US is the first and original relationship in the Broalliance – eCanada and the eUSA are the founding members. No love relationship can continue without work and effort. The CPF will be a leader in revitalizing our Bromance.

Supporting our Troops. The CAF is Canada’s professional fighting force. All eCanadians need to behind them. The CAF has one of the highest, if not the highest, damage outputs per national citizen in the New World. The CPF will take the lead, to see that the army is well funded to meet their goals, to maintain their strong damage outputs, and ensure that they meet eCanada’s expectations for a publicly funded army. We will seek the CAF’s ear, to hear their needs and wants, but also to express any concerns that may arise – but this will be done in private, not in public. We will seek a dialogue, not a monologue.

Crafting Strong, Independent Militias. These are vital to eCanada’s ability to defend herself, and to eCanada’s image abroad. They often augment the CAF in important battles, and also go overseas at the request of foreign governments, as a sort of army-for-hire. They improve Canada’s image on the world scene. Strong, Independent Militias can act when the political will to send the CAF out is not present.

The largest representation in Congress. Through running quality candidates, and through our Strategic Voting Team, we will elect more people to congress than any other party. But the Canadian Progressive Front will not be satisfied with this. No, will have the most active respresentatives as well.

Earning Respect of Others. This may be an intangible, something hard to measure. But through our hard work, the respect we give others, the fair play which we will give others, we will accomplish this last goal. Addy has laid the groundwork, with his commitment to, and successful implementation of, running a clean Presidential campaign. The Canadian Progressive Front will continue down this newly built road, and further build it. There will likely be road bumps, or even detours, but this is the goal the Canadian Progressive Front would like to continue to pursue.

Running Quality Candidates for Country President, or supporting Quality Canadidates of other parties. No longer will the Canadian Progressive Front support a Canadidate because of the political association of that individual, or lack thereof. If we cannot find a worthy candidate to run under our banner, we will support the best candidate out there – regardless of political stripe. The Canadian Progressive Front has tasted the bitter fruit of supporting a party rather than a candidate, and will not travel that road again. Futher, this can lead to poor quality candidates getting elected. We will not be a part of that.

I want to make eCanada stronger, and I believe the Canadian Progressive Party is the one to do it.

On Tuesday June 15th, vote Wilhelm Gunter for President of the Canadian Progressive Front.
