Who Am I?

Day 5,394, 17:57 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by tef1

Dear Patriots,

This is Tef1. Tef1 is my name. I am referred to as Tef1. People say Hi Tef1 to me. Yes, it is true, I am Tef1. Not Teffy, but Tef1. Not even Tef2 just Tef1. People know Tef1 and that is me. I am known as Tef1. Tef1 the Emperor of Jokester town is the nickname. The nickname was coined by Tef1 and that is me, Tef1. Tef1 is a clown, a clown is me. I am a clown and this is indeed Tef1. Clown Tef1 is me, oh yes I am. Yes, I am Tef1!!!!

