Where Is Romania Anyway....

Day 2,037, 08:06 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by pop George

Is it the area surrounding Rome? Are Romanians fancy Italians with pionted ears?

Maybe they have there own country somewhere in Europe, but where? Could it be near Asia minor, like Europe minor, but Asia minor is like a really really important place. Maybe Romania isn't even important enough place for the Serbs to pretend it was once thiers after the Romans left, right?

Maybe the Troll babylord will weigh in, I am interested in his "handbarrow", maybe they are some future race come back to conquer us, but what is taking so long?

Still having to use public library computers and the one I went to today is even worse than the other ones I have used recently. I have a two line and maybe twenty character per line window to write an article in. Can't wait to learn where Romania is and if anything actually ever happened there.