What disgusts me...

Day 1,704, 03:22 Published in Australia Australia by witherd1

No pics, just a story, of sorts.

I played a different game a few years ago, where I became quite close to a number of people in the guild that we built together in that game. It was a Roman game, and we were the 17th Legion. One of those guys was a guy from Sydney, I became quite close to him. He went to the doctors one day about a growth on his stomach, that growth ended up being cancerous, and was a secondary cancer. The primary was in his colon. He found this out in April, and was dead in September. He was 42yo with a young family.

This hit me hard, cos I knew this guy well, had many a beer on a Friday or Saturday night while talking with him on Vent while he was having a few, we had some awesome times. Now I imagine this is how most of you feel about Sam passing.

What really sickened me about the passing of Adam, was that there were some that didnt know him, or maybe knew him for a few weeks/months, but never took the time to speak with him, decided to put in their forum sigs, things like RIP Glory (his IGN was Glorious), people that didnt know him, that seemed to want to make themselves more popular by extorting his death, in a way.

I see a similar thing happening here. While I will never ever bring doubt to someone's grief, I believe there are some that may be choosing to manipulate this situation for their own gain, and that is really just not cricket. If you are worthy of what you strive for, you will get there on your own merits, but certainly not by publicising your grief and owing it all to Sam.

Just saying, losing a friend is sad, and an online friend is as real as a RL friend, but its really bad taste to take advantage of the situation for your own personal in game gain.