Welcome into the fold, Indonesia!

Day 3,286, 18:44 Published in Indonesia USA by fingerguns

Greetings, Indos!

For far too long, the beautiful eUS colony of Indonesia has been neglected by the mainland and this neglect has inspired rebellion. You’ve kicked and you’ve screamed and thrashed around to try and get a bit of attention, but nothing has really come from it. Indonesia has been little more than an annoying little fly buzzing in the ear of the majestic eagle soaring across the world, undisturbed.

I had to intervene. My heart was breaking for the people of Indonesia, my people, who want so desperately to be an important contributor to the greater glory of the eUS, but were left to fend for themselves. I have been petitioning on your behalf to finally get you the attention you deserve; To fully bring you into the fold and take your rightful place next to our strong and powerful American brothers.

I am glad to say that today is a great day in eIndonesian history. Today we finally claim our place as part of the brotherhood of the eUS.

By declaration of eUS President and Dictator, Wild Owl, I am honored to claim my throne as Queen of Indonesia. From this position I will be better equipped to represent your interests to the greater eAmerican empire. Or should I say our interests.

Hail fingerguns! Hail eIndonesia! Hail eUSA!

May the light of Dio shine on us all.