Vote Sperry in PEI

Day 641, 12:54 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry

Greetings, dear citizens of PEI and Canadians abroad. Once again we face the entertaining time of elections.

When you cast your vote this Tuesday the 25th, you will be selecting Canadian men and women to sit in your Congress for the coming month. Our Congress is the most democratic branch of our government, and it is the one which allows the Canadian voice to be heard in our laws and our policies.

I write this article to Canada as a request - a request for your votes, and a request to represent you in a month that desperately needs good representation. I am committed to bringing this representation into our government so that we may restore Canada together, as a unified people. I am a strong proponent of increasing the transparency within our government. I understand, and fully support, keeping confidential matters (e.g., war plans) private. But Canadians have elected their congress, and as such they deserve to know what congress is doing and how they are doing it. As Party President of the CSD, I am proud to say that our party is transparent. This is unsettlingly rare in Canadian politics, and that ought to change.

I believe that, as Canadians, we are more than capable of restoring our nation to her former glory.
No doubt this will be central to many election campaigns this week. But something that is just as important, is how we get there. As an ambassador, I believe it is essential that we forge new alliances, and rebuild old friendships that have fallen into disrepair. This is not only important for defending ourselves, but for rebuilding our reputation as a country that is liked and respected.

As for the idea of retaliation:
Anyone suggesting that Canada might benefit from invading enemy states is putting your future, Canada's future, at risk. We have felt the pain of occupation and the anger that it brings.
We know, all too well, how much damage is done when regions are lost. Let Canada be the fair, noble nation that its reputation deserves - let us not become an imperial nation.

A vote for Sperry is a vote for a responsible Canadian who is committed to bringing energy and activity to every aspect of this game. As Party President, eUK Ambassador, IRC Admin, and regular Map Analyst, I believe I can bring positive, enthusiastic change to congress this month.

I would be honoured to receive your vote this Tuesday, August 25th in the Congress elections.

My sincerest regards and thanks;