Vote Sperry for EPIC Win

Day 933, 12:37 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry

Hello Canadians and members of EPIC!

This Tuesday brings us to the monthly job of the Party President elections. As these elections are only our second together as a party, it’s of paramount importance that you vote for one of our very deserving candidates!

The incoming EPIC Party President will have a lot of responsibilities. EPIC members are a very capable bunch, and it’s the role of the PP to organize us and sort out what our long- and short-term goals are going to be. We are still finishing the transition from CNC/CSD, and the incoming Party President will be essential to launching our unified party goals.

Your new Party President will need to be organized, open to an array of opinions, and backed with political experience. Above all, they will need to be an extremely active member who can dedicate time and energy to guiding this party in the coming month.

I have returned to Canadian politics to offer myself as such a candidate. With your support, I believe that I can offer the enthusiasm and experience necessary to move EPIC forward. I am thrilled that EPIC has achieved a merger between the CSD and CNC, but I am also convinced that we are capable of achieving much more with this party.

So what are my goals? Over the next month, and especially in time for the upcoming Congress elections, it is essential that EPIC develop a coherent, unified voice to present to the country. We are not “old C-whatever”, we are EPIC. Let us prove that we are a party which is clear on its position in Canada. Most importantly, let us become a party that is active. Every EPIC Member is capable of making a difference, and every EPIC member has a voice and a vote.

Your vote is important. Your vote is essential. Be sure you use it well!

Many thanks and all the best;