Vote Smart

Day 5,350, 13:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gavin C. Mister

Tomorrow July 15th is election day for presidents of party's. meaning that tomorrow we the voters are the most powerful people in the country

Those elected will serve a Crucial part in their party's Politicians, Image, and administration and will decide how history plays its role in the eUK, so for that reason I suggest everyone vote smart

Think about the vote you cast because every one counts.
Think about the vote you cast because it depends how you look as a citizen.
Think about the vote you cast because the fate of our country depends on it.
Think about the vote you cast because you never know how history will react.

Think about all these things tomorrow before you give it to someone not deserving it truly does not matter how old that person is or how many medals hang off their chest or how big their John Thomas is. it matters on what candidate truly understands the power they receive from it and the office of which they are running for.

I'm not telling you who to vote for. because if you think about it, then you will know exactly who. just remember that person has no power over you, your party, your country or most importantly your vote, until you give it to them