Updated eBrit University Curriculum

Day 2,422, 09:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Madelina de Melrose

There have been a few changes to make the course a bit better (and to correct a few mistakes I made!)

Here is the updated list of tasks to complete the eBrit University curriculum:

Task 1 - Join a Military Unit (MU). There are many benefits from joining a MU including doing the daily orders, including daily supplies if you complete those Daily Orders.
The Daily Orders reward you with a 100 energy health bar and bazooka parts to be used when you are at a higher rank, but for we recommend they will be stockpiled in your storage until you reach a certain strength.

Task 2 - Join a political party. Playing a part in the political side is an option open to you but if you wish to represent your country in eUK politics then you have to be part of a political party. It also will open up doors to parts of our community you may miss otherwise.

Task 3 - Upload an Avatar. It’s a simple as that! You can upload an avatar/edit your profile by clicking your name on the left side of the screen. Avatars have to be a .jpg image and the ideal size is 150x150 pixels. You can also ask for us to make you an avatar, just comment below and we will be in touch with you or if you prefer you can ask your MU Commander or President of your Political Party.

Task 4 - Have 20 eUK citizens on your friends list. You can add people by clicking on their profile and clicking the “add friend” button on the top right of their profile. The more friends you have, the more help and support you will get, and the more you will get to know the community better!

Task 5 - Reach level 15. This one doesn’t take long at all!

Task 6: First, make sure you have set me as a friend. When you signed up I sent you a friend request, if for some reason it’s not there, contact me. Next, make 5 posts on your “friends” feed. Each time, notify me so I know to check for it. I’m on your “friends” feed so it should show up on my screen.

Task 7 – Have (at least) one food and one weapons factory. You will want to have a farm and a mine, too, to supply them! Send screenshot of your “Companies” page to Madelina de Melrose.

Task 8 - Subscribe to 8 newsletters. These are on the lower left, near the middle of the page. You'll see a list of ones that have got the most votes… people click the "vote" button on the newsletter to signify their approval of the message. There are also a series of tabs there, to pull up newsletters with articles about various aspects of eUK.

To receive the reward, send the list of newspapers to which you have subscribed to Madelina de Melrose.

Task 9 - Register on the eUK Forums and play a part in our growing community. You will meet many friendly people who are always willing to help you.

To receive the reward, take a screenshot of the page showing you have enrolled and send it to Madelina de Melrose.

Task 10 - Complete 5 posts on the forums. Simple as that, they can be posts about anything, so long as they adhere to the forum rules.

To receive the reward, when you make each post, send a screenshot to Madelina de Melrose.

Task 11 - Reach Level 25. This will take just a little bit of time but don't feel you have to rush it.

Task 12 - Get on IRC. You just enter your eRepublik name and you’re automatically thrown into the eUK IRC room! Send screenshot of yourself on the IRC to Madelina de Melrose.

Task 13 - Achieve your first hard worker medal. You gain this medal after training and fighting for 30 days. They don’t have to be concurrent days, just so long as at some point you have worked and trained a total of 30 days.

Task 14 - Earn 100 strength points through training.
Before starting this task, contact Madelina de Melrose so your strength points can be registered. Then when you have completed the 100, contact her again to receive the reward.

Task 15 - Obtain your first Super Soldier medal (250 strength points). Keep training, you’ll soon get it! You’ll also get a 5 gold reward every time you get a Super Soldier medal, which you get at every 250 strength (250, 500, 750, 1000 etc…).

Task 16 - Become a journalist! Create your own newsletter and write your first article for it. Doesn't have to be long or involved, but interesting is always good!

Task 17 - Obtain your second Super Soldier medal (500 Strength points).

Task 18 - Upgrade your free training ground at least once. Upgrading your free training ground will mean that you will gain more strength every day. To upgrade your free training ground, click on “My Places” on the top bar, then click Training Grounds (next to your companies).

The top training ground is the free one, it costs 20 gold to upgrade to a Q2 quality training ground. We would advise that you actually wait until there is a Training Ground deal on (you’ll see this at the top of your homepage when the deal is on), meaning that you can upgrade your Training Ground for 45% less gold, so instead of it costing you 20 gold, it will cost you 11 gold. Using this training ground will mean you gain 10 strength a day, instead of 5.

To receive your reward, send a screen shot of the upgrade to Madelina de Melrose.

Task 19 - Reach the in-game rank of Major. You’ll get this one pretty quickly too!

Task 20 - Have five people subscribe to your newsletter. You may have to go out and "sell" it… Screenshot to Madelina, as usual.