Unionizing, Anyone?

Day 1,751, 02:08 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

Ah yes, another request article. This topic comes from Mihai Hilly, who asks a very intriguing question. There are times where two nations decide to make the ultimate motion of trust, and unite together under one flag. The most commonly known union is of Germark, when a weakened Germany decided to work together with another weak but loyal friend, Denmark, to unite to protect their sovereignty. Other lesser known examples are of Argentina and Bolivia, as well as China and North Korea, though of course these can be classified more as a larger nation taking over a smaller partner that decides not to resist.

So what does this have to do with Canada? Well, no matter how strong the force is with our credit cards, we're not going to match the superpowers in strength any time soon. But if we found a partner to form a union with, we may, with our combined forces, be able to hold our own against strong nations such as Poland or Spain, or even (worst case scenario) America. While America has often been considered a possible nation to join in a union, there are other options that may be worthwhile to consider.

The most obvious choice for a union is the Portuguese. Besides our stellar relations, forming a union with Portugal would make sense both economically and militarily. With natural borders, Portugal's additional bonuses give the maximum benefit to food production. Portugal also would give a direct border with Spain and give access to South America as well, giving the hypothetical union borders with Poland, Spain, Brazil, and America, providing plenty of opportunities. In addition, in case of a Spanish invasion, a quick revolt on the Azores back to Portuguese control would cease any threat, so there's really no downside. Portugal would receive additional military protection from a loyal ally, while Canada gains more resources and more areas of operation. While there's no guarantee that players would accept such an idea, it is plausible, feasible, and benefits both nations.

Speaking of fellow small nations, how about the Irish? Ireland is not as appealing as Portugal is, but it is itself a viable option. Ireland lacks the strong relations with Canada that Portugal possesses (note the infinite amount of NE lulz), as well as the need for a union. Nations look at unions as something to avoid unless necessary, and for the longest time, Ireland was doing just fine, the Polish battle aside. Ireland also has a land swap agreement with the Brits to the east, so any union would tack on a UK RW as well, which would only drain damage away from important fights. But on the plus side, Ireland is a good-sized nation, and both nations would benefit from the extra resources. Ireland is also out of the way, and thus is not a gaping target. But this works both ways; Ireland also lacks the extra options for strategic warfare. Overall, a Canadian-Irish merger could work, but it's not nearly as feasible as a Canadian-Portuguese union.

And the dark horse candidate, France! Wait, France? Yes, France! France has had difficulties keeping its head above water as of late, and it's no surprise that the nation has seen better days. Combining a decent but overwhelmed military with a large area with a lot or resources makes you a big target (Saudi Arabia cough cough). Canada is in the opposite field, with a pretty solid military, but not many resources or land to call their own. The two nations can fix their own needs by uniting as one. The only issue of note is France's many non-aggression pacts and treaties, and it may be a real chore determining what happens with each treaty. But on at least surface level, a French-Canadian union could work out well.

Canada needs to be able to stand up to the superpowers, and we can't do it by ourselves. From sharing resources to a fall-back defensive plan, being in a union can far outweigh any disadvantages as long as the people accept the union. Otherwise, it'd just be direct occupation, not a union. But nevertheless, Canada must gain power in order to survive. Forming a union will go a long way to achieve sovereignty for a long time. So, Portugal, Ireland, and France, wanna unionize?

(And my Bosnian and Croatian friends, have you ever considered a union of your own? Just saiyan)

Until next time, take care!

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