Unban Sheppherd ASAP

Day 5,369, 07:26 Published in Albania Albania by DesertFox25

One of the TOP players in eAlbania, named ''Sheppherd'' https://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/5725442 just got banned right after he wrote this https://prnt.sc/777imp8QKusH ''OJ SERBI TE QIFSHA ROPT'' which is translates ''Serbia I will f**K your family''.
Which I am assuming he was referring to what's happening in the North of Kosovo in real life with Serbs are using vehicles as blockades. Sheppherd got banned for ''Using multiple accounts'' when we ALL know that's a bunch of bullshit! The guy is amongst one of the oldest players in erepublik and when I had joined this game he actually had helped me out in this game right before I stopped playing again (because of BS like this)....

Now ask yourselves this... Why would someone who doesn't need any resources need multiple accounts? Why would someone who literally posted his Jackpot from the Power Wheel TWICE (which adds up to 1000 gold) need multies? He was Party President at Goodfellas, so Did he do it in order to get Political power? IF he created multiple accounts as the admins state for political power, then why was it that he only got 2 votes when he ran for Party President and not more? If he did it for political power, then why would he give up his Candidacy for Country President which is in 2 days and he nominated ANOTHER player https://prnt.sc/dEc1WN-GxuXo

I know exactly what happened here, a butthurt Serb admin banned him under false pretenses of ''Multiple Account Usages'' after he saw what he wrote. This is completely bullshit and unjustified and I have seen players in this game who get banned unjustly and when they appeal it they only get a message with ''We have reviewed your request and decided to keep the ban'' without providing any kind of proof whatsoever!!!

Sheppherd was also amongst the TOP players in eAlbania and now another strong player is gone because of unfair treatment from Admins in this game against certain other players from other countries..

If that message he wrote got him banned... then ban me too