UK new immigration policy proposal

Day 2,447, 10:27 Published in United Kingdom Serbia by Arhivator Cvarkov

We all can ask ourselves WHY is UK one of the weakest and smallest countries in erepublik. The answer is obvious. We do not have enough citizens. The economy suffers, the military is weak, we are constantly under a TO threat. Our budget is so empty that we can't pay basic things. For weeks we didn't have a war. Where can our citizens earn patriot points?

NOWHERE, NOTHING, NO HOPE. We are in a shitty situation. The country becomes more boring every day. Due to threat of Serbian TO, UK has implemented an unofficial blockade of accepting any citizenship applications.

I was looking in real life, and noticed Canada. Canada is a country that suffers from lack of people. And what is Canada's solution - Immigration policy.


We need people. We have to make an immigration policy so to achieve a decent number of citizens. Now UK can count on only 1700 citizens. We are the 25th country in the world.

So there is a need to make and define an official immigration policy. We should make a comity of immigration to take care of it.

My idea is to make quotes for immigrants so to make sure no other nationality TOs the country. Especially bigger quotes for allies. Why would it be a problem if we give 100 passports to citizens of our allies?
If we use 100 passports a month we can make a boost in our numbers.

I would put a goal on reaching the number of 3000 UK citizens. It would make our military power stronger, our economy bigger. I think this is what we can do on a long term basis to help UK.


1. Evo_Mivec