Two Hundred Days - Day 722: Impressive Fight, Sergeant!

Day 922, 13:55 Published in USA USA by Iamnameless

Mission Statement:
This paper looks back Two Hundred Days from the current date and examines the progress one citizen made over the course of his first Two Hundred Days in eRepublik. Also, there will always be at least TWO hotties in every issue.

Welcome back dear readers!

Two Hundred Days ago, dawn broke on Day 722 -- Veteran's Day, 11 November 2009 irl -- to find me feeling chipper at 97.57 Wellness. My Q1 house still had a bit of that "new home" smell and the Q1 food I consumed overnight added 1.07 to my wellness. Besides the house and my good health, I had 2.25 Gold and 2.44 USD in the bank, plus a couple of Q1 weapons and some Q1 food in my inventory. I felt pretty good as I considered my prospects for the day.

Hmm, I'm standing by a brick wall, and yet I'm wearing a swimsuit. Weird, huh?

I wanted to fight with weapons three times since I had nearly enough money for another Q1 weapon. As a new citizen, it's hard to feel you're making much of a contribution when you see someone hit more in one fight than you do in five, and fighting unarmed just makes it worse. Plus I was getting really tired of seeing "Weak fight, Sergeant!" for most of my fights each day - the few times I got to see "Good Fight, Sergeant!" were when I was at my healthiest and had a weapon.
Moral of the story? Stay healthy. Fight with weapons.

You healthy-looking stud, is that a Q5 in your hand or are you just happy to see me?

So before I could visit my local gunshop, I had to go earn my living. I was employed at 90+ Time Continuum Iron with a salary of 5.85 USD, making my take-home pay 4.68 USD. WIth over seven whole dollars burning a hole in my pocket, I quickly trained and then off I went to the marketplace.

On this Day, Q1 weapons could be had from eUS and allied gun companies for about 3.81 USD. I mention "eUS/allied companies" because those were the only ones to get my business. There are times when companies run by our enemies may have set their prices a few cents lower than companies run by our fellow Americans and allies, but even as a noob, I knew that it was stupid* to buy weapons from companies whose profits went to fighting Americans.
* In specific circumstances, groups of experienced players have at times organized to buy up so many weapons from enemy companies that it dries up supplies for enemy citizens, limiting their damage against us. Probably not something to get involved in at an early stage in your eRep career.

So armed with a record three Q1 weapons, I started my five fights for the day - sadly on Day 722 I hadn't yet started recording the name of each Day's battle. No matter, for me the excitement for the Day came when my first fight was not called "weak', not even "good", but for the first time I saw those encouraging words "Impressive fight, Sergeant!" The cut-off for "impressive" seems to be somehere around 28 damage, as my first fight was "impressive" at 29 damage done but my second was merely "good" at 27 damage. My third armed fight was good for another 25 damage, and my last two (barefisted) fights added up to 19 damage between them. Total havoc wreaked for my eNation: 100 points of damage. In my mind I could see some enemy FM grabbing his shin and muttering "why, you little scrab!" 😉

So just as i was feeling all this patritoic fervor, I came across an article seeking donations for a new initiative, United Allies Securing the Common Defense (or UASCD). The idea was to collect donations from eUS citizens to subsudize MPPs for allies who couldn't afford them. The way I saw it, this idea had three things going for it: it enhanced our eNation's security and image overseas, it was run by one of our leading citizens*, and in the article's title the Organization's name was typo'd as "United Allies Secruing the Common Defense". Yes, secruing. With all that implicit win, how could I say no? I considered my meager resources and sent in 1.30 USD and 0.2G, leaving me with 2.00 USD and 2.05G so I could earn enough for another weapon tomorrow. It wasn't much but it felt good to give.
* I'd say who but I already gave him props in another issue and don't want to give him a swelled head - it's round enough already.

I turned in for the Day at 1915 eRep time at 95.57 Wellness, feeling pretty good about things and thinking about maybe asking for a raise tomorrow.

Yeah baby!

Until next time, as always,

Go eUS!