True History of Mexico "But I'm still the King .... Leon."

Day 1,545, 17:22 Published in Serbia Mexico by C d C

"... There are no small or great misfortune, there is no divine punishment, nor fate. The misfortunes have name.

I am the one who was dead and buried, resurrected the same as today to recover the lost ... "

As an officially resurrected I am, I have much to say, so if you continue reading, is at your own risk. What I do assure you, is that everyone will play.

When I left my eTumba and see who was the president, who was in the OBM, I had a deja-vu. It's a shame that our great friend Chechesa not to relive old times.

I remember that shortly before my departure, when I issued my demarcation of an NE that do not know who sent, and that was the prelude to the current occupation Croatian, someone told me more words, fewer words, "Well then go and hide while men defend the country and fix everything. "

Today, at 4 months of that, the country remains occupied.

At first I was scared because I thought then that there were no men in Mexico, but then thought about it and seeing and reading recent publications, I realized one thing: men also were gone shortly after me. But fortunately, with the same order, we have returned. I realize that there is a new generation of intelligent people and willing to do everything within their power to try us out of this rut, or at least keep us from falling lower.

When a long train of abuses and usurpations led invariably the same object, show the design to reduce them under absolute despotism to a people, then is it right and duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

I have seen generations come and go but a handful of individuals (which, incidentally are the same as always) are always trying to stay in power whatever. That clearly does not speak well of his personal life, but you know that I do not usually talk about irrelevant things.

The unfortunate thing is that those in power by his desire to do great things, (for me it has become clear that they have not done much in this time I was on vacation), but for his inordinate pride satisacer, and I was clear with the recovery and the ruin of Mexico in 10 days, which occurred during the previous presidency, in which the then President does not comply with having recovered oaxaca pacific (which did not represent great loss to Croatia and were part of previous negotiations), excited by his humility and his breadth of vision, decides to attack regions, perhaps with the fantasy of becoming "the Great Liberator of e-Mexico" to get to SEOM, representing, again, the total destruction of e-Mexico. At least we are on hand with Juanisimo. (Not to mention the waste of resources in Baja).

By Congress, things are not very different. When I saw an active vice president of the congress, opening and closing themes, proposing, engaged, and a slow medium president of Congress, which as you ask permission to move a finger pa the other, and vice chamba leaving, I remembered my own term as vice president of the congress.

I can not understand why the acting president of the congress decides to run (again) to the presidency, and with the same charge of the OBM. I do not know what holds the presidency of the country that do not want to let go, even when they are playing another position. The CP candidate running for Congress as president seems to me an act of contempt for this position within that legislative body. And though he is not prohibited Congress President CP is released for both, it just does not seem morally right.

Within law enforcement, bad walk, according to the text now president did not respect the current constitution and put in his cabinet people not fulfilling the requirements for staff members. But before that, when he still served as president of Congress, ignoring the Internal Regulation, decides to count votes that were made outside the time set for that purpose, according to the complaint.

In the same issue, we can see how the then president of congress, president of the country today in an act of complete lack of interest in office, delegates to the vice president a responsabiidad is the president of Congress (read, published by the Gazette of Congress).

Is that the kind of people we want leading this country imaginary? Does the kind of people that will get us out of this predicament?

The point about the breach of laws by those who in theory should be more interested in enforcing them, leads me to suspect that we have a lot of laws that have failed to damn the thing, because people today who take turns public office, this compendium is absolutely legal relative, that is, if I should, apply them, if not for me, the misunderstand and deform my way, or flat or apply them.

Nice example of legality we are putting to new generations. But that does not trouble me, I am happy that these new generations ("newbies" someone called in a recent publication) and have realized who is who and have expressed their dissatisfaction with the so immoral that people have to act now in power.

In recent days, Comrade Heart Knight made a very interesting proposal, which was scrapped almost automatic vermin in this country. What's worse is that the rejection of its proposal was not accompanied by other proposals, but insults and disqualifications, evoking a past that is gone, but some is still present. Is the reason for this rejection? The very author of the proposal.

Another case: This rating is proposing a change to the way in electing the president and vice president of Congress, under certain circumstances would have benefited the group in power, however, they themselves are rejecting. The reason? Perhaps not read, you may not understand it, perhaps because the proposed new pebble in your shoe, whatever.

The pylon: Here, the vice president of the Congress makes a smart idea without much from the treasury, but with very little interest for our "H." Congress, to the extent that the debate ended with zero equity.

But I only came here today to write about the bad. I came also to make invitations, invite a new generation of concerned citizens to propose, to stay involved in public issues, they do not fear to say "I think this is wrong, and I think it would be better if it were so."

More of us want things to improve.

We are more of us who want to uproot the "traditional" way of doing things.

More of us have positive proposals.

Propose and support it. Not because a bunch of them peladitos ignore or say no, it means that here we are just as eyelets. Every idea can be improved, together we can make necessary changes and carry out our ideas.

You just have to take the first step, which is raise your hand. We have seen how "work" those who now lead us badly. I sincerely believe that with this new awareness, we can improve many things, and this time, the limits will put them ourselves.

But I came here today not only to write from wrong and make invitations. I have also come to offer. I have come to offer my help to anyone who requires it, in any matter that the game allows. I came to put my little knowledge available to all who need them. I want to serve something to this new generation of heroes of the fatherland, I put at your disposal to assist in achieving the goals that will make this country a better place for virtual play.

Sincerely, goodbye to you the most alive from the dea😛

Leonardo A. Rocamora A.

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