Tithing for good!

Day 3,416, 09:03 Published in USA USA by ComputerSpeaker

So some players do better than others. some players have more profit than others. some plaryers scam others.

however this is all acceptable!

I like the idea. we ant new players to join the game. new players are fun to play with and exciting o get a new perspective.

so we should all tithe for more fun! we should tithe for more good!

fighting is the most fun thing i can think of doing!

so i hope every player sends 10% of their take home income each day to their military unit for them to issues combat orders for division one or for air planes.

now i understand that hey " the big players can transfer divisions so there will be waste"

now i have a philosophy in life " doing things out of fear is bad and should be avoided. but doing things out of Good is great and should be continued"

so please donate to your military units so they can issue more combat orders to make more excitement. to get more players to be active!

donate to military units because good. tithing is great and should be encouraged more!

lets have more fun and lets have less fear!