Day 1,423, 10:42 Published in India India by Terciopelo
Hello people of eIndia!!!!

It's your CP back with another article. First of all m sorry as I didn't publish article yesterday as I was busy in real life attending my uncle's engagement.

Now to the main point of this article. Well this article has been return to update each and everyone about the things we have sorted out successfully.

Firstly I m happy to announce that all of our Ministers of each department are working out well with their Deputies and Team Members. MoMC, MoIA, MoD, MoF & MoFA each department is functioning smoothly and steadly. I thank each member of my cabinet for working so hard uptil now to bring things on the right track.

Secondly this article will give the details of the money spent uptil now.

- We have signed 6 MPPs as of now and maybe 2 more soon so its total expenditure will be 80,000 inr as each MPP costs 10,000 inr.

- Food supplies for the newbies: The retention gives out food supplies daily to the citizens which come under the program mentioned in this article :
Foods for this program are brought weekly so food worth 7390 inr has been bought this week.

- Funds given to MoMC: 500 inr was given to them so that they can give out the rewards to the genuine writers of eIndia.

These are the expenditures so far in the first week. Well thats all for now, stay tuned for more action.....😃

Signing Out
Prabal [CP of Eindia]