The United States Today: In 2 Minutes or Less

Day 874, 22:52 Published in USA USA by Mr. Hyphenated
Publishe😛 22:30 ERT on April 12, 2010 - Day 874

Military|Politics|Glossary of Terms
Dead Horse Edition

Military Maneuvers
Quiet day

-Australia is now completely severed from South Africa as Brazil took their last toe hold in the region, Eastern Cape. Because of Indonesia holding Western Australia, Australia now has no border with Brazil, South Africa, or Argentina.

-Norway and Sweden are tag-teaming natively Finnish, Russian-held Lapland. (Insert joke about hawt scandinavian tag-team here). Spain's Norway MPP is active and they seem to be doing quite nicely at the moment.

Article Round Up:
Department of Citizen Orders - DoD Orders
The Pony Express - Express Deliveries

Canada's Congress talks titanium

-Our bilingual bros to the North write some updates on their Congress. Among other things they're talking titanium rental plans and are creating V2 Bonds to prepare resources for the upcoming cluster-sex that will be V2.

-The America's Advancement Partyhas announced its blocking and Congressional candidate sign up sheets.


-Samuel Brouillette brings back one of the easier baby boom ideas and says move to Karnataka.

-Ingo Castilho and Nero Preto say eRepublik is broken.

Your Moment of Zen:

If you feel that an article you wrote should be included in my semi-daily summary, feel free to PM me a link. Please note that I will try to keep my summaries as few and as brief as possible.

~Mr. –

The Brolliance Newspaper Network
Canadian Writers!
jbdivinus // Acacia Mason // Tyler F Durden // Craig Norman // Banach //Adasko
Irish Writers!
patton // Donovan Thomas // Irish Princess // Edana Savage// Niall H // 5n4keyes
Australian Writers!
Dartreal // patti11
US Writers!
Myles Robinson // system0101 // sydiot // Mr. Hyphenated // Sleeve

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