The TUP Family 30+ Scheme - Day 1,580

Day 1,580, 14:11 Published in United Kingdom USA by Smobster

The Smobster 30+ initiative for TUP Family members... if you are a member of a TUP Family military unit we will help you to fight longer and harder by supplying you with extra food for your efforts.

Get more than 30 kills in a day and you will be rewarded with 300 worth of food.

Get 30 of these!

All you have to do is post your regiment number and the total number of kills in the comments below... I will send you food as soon as I can confirm your kills in the MU screen against your regiment.

It has to be verified day-by-day, so post your kills in the comments below for Day 1,580 - thanks!

Please vote this article if you like the scheme and subscribe to my (new) paper to get quick updates to the scheme and future day promotions! Thanks!

The Smobster 😃