The true Mastermind and Verse Lite Annoucement

Day 3,626, 08:59 Published in Norway Norway by Verse Lite
The secret is out, the hard investigating work of the few have discovered my long term plan. Not just that I know who is the mastermind of our beloved Norwegian Green Party, the Puppet Master who controls many different players minds through manipulation no other than the founder himself Joshua Morrisseau. He control the party from his puppet and whatever he say is an order for his puppet.

But that wasn't enough for his power hungry mind, he not accept criticism. He wanted everyone to follow his rules. So, it mean the current party president of our party is only his puppet. You can see all of these from new article from our party president, he put the mastermind on the top priority, he said that he will give top priority to an active member, but we can see from Joshua Morrisseau newspaper that he never make a new article lately. This showed us that this movement is involved by controlling a senior players that have been here for a long time.

Joshua Morriseau to Verse Lite and 12 more people | 11 hours ago #82452951
You just dont know how capable i am. I can be destructive or useful depend on how you treat me.

Now your threatening to be destructive after DEMANDING to be put ahead of everybody else? And lets be frank here. You treated Eraclev extremely badly, and really any time you open your mouth its to disrespect your current comrades here in the NGP. So perhaps you should take your own advice?

Our community is a small community and doesn't need division, which is clearly all you offer. You say you want to change things, but you don't tell us how. You say you want to be put ahead of everyone else who is actively contributing, but you don't show us why you deserve to be. You want to lead the largest party in Norway but you have no experience and only attack its current members.

Everyone here is saying that they believe you to be a good person but Im a straight shooter and I call them how I see them. Verse Lite, you are not a good person. Thus far in your time here in Norway and in the NGP specifically you've proven to be nothing more than an entitled brat who doesn't understand even a quarter of the game mechanics and you bring zero contribution to the NGP. If you wanted to whine about everything while offering no alternatives you may try another party.

Ive built this party over the past three years and Ill be damned if an arrogant out of touch twat like yourself leads it. So pack up your attitude and leave or start becoming apart of the party by actively contributing and stop attacking and threatening everyone and the party. There is a way to make friends, and a way to make enemies. Im going to step out on a limb here and say you have zero friends here...

Be a man, there is always a difference in each party. If you are an adult you will behave in a cool manner and like a leader. I can no longer accept this, you called me not a good person, who do you think you are called me not a good person! I'm never attacking my party member i just asking and criticizing.

I'm a man of my words, i can be usefull if i'm on your side or i can be destructive if i'm on different side.

With this article i announced my candidacy to run for president of Norway