The Party Never Ends!

Day 5,078, 18:26 Published in USA USA by Socialist Freedom Party
The Party Never Ends!

eRep Day 5079

Here's a few Frequently Asked Questions (and Answers)....

What the heck is an "SFP"?

The Socialist Freedom Party (SFP) is an eRepublikan anarka-socialist revolutionary organization. It sponsors a friendly, laid-back community that initiates useful projects for e-proletarians and their allies.

Citizens of the e-USA who party with the SFP while navigating their way thru the fog of eRepublikan war, politics, economy and culture find a welcoming, fun mix of folks with a wide range of leftie, anti-fascist views.

The SFP membership includes ancients and newborns, tanks and pea-shooters, native USAnians and immigrants, active and chatty players, as well as folks who like to play the game more quietly.

What kind of swag does it offer?


Our Weekly Supply Drop hands out 3K of energy (nom-nom!) and 30 Q7 tanks (pew-pew!) to whoever wants it. Reply with a comment on the party feed to participate and boom, you're supplied. A Housing program is available for newer players. That's a damn simple concept too: Ask, and the org helps you to buy a house.

Plenty of mentoring is available for newer players too.

If you need material assistance or mentoring, shoot a PM to SFP RC militant shiloh13.

Is there a bunch of annoying off-game stuff?

Nah. These days, most members play the game almost entirely within the game itself. The Party has an in-game Mass Line messaging thread that includes all its members. The revolving democratic leadership team -- the SFP Revolutionary Committee -- also operates entirely in-game.

Still. While the use of off-game Forums, Discord and IRC are not as popular as they once were, if you like that sort of thing they are available. (OK, well, not IRC any more.)

The Party's off-game forums host a grand collection of historical archives, guides, gossip and whatnot.

For info on where to find guides on Congress participation, contact SFP RC activist PimpDollaz.

What makes the SFP different from other parties?

We are openly and proudly in-game left-wing anarcho-syndicalists with a socialist attitude towards power. In eRepublik, we're happy to be called "commies", "socialists", "revolutionaries", "anarchists", "left-libertarians", "voluntarists", "anti-fascists", "lazy good-for-nothing stoners", "locked and loaded mothers who love free speech", and so on. Not that any of that actually means an awful lot in eRepublik. But it's fun to play around with these concepts. And it annoys those lurking groyper-fash gamer types to no end. So that's a blast.

On the practical level, during its long, storied history, the SFP has often been an innovator. Pushing the boundaries of what it's possible to do in eRepublik is at the heart of what makes this a revolutionary organization and not just another party.

For example, the SFP was one of the first sponsors of an in-game militia, the Bear Cavalry (BC). That was way back before militias were even part of the game. The BC is now autonomous from the SFP. And there's no requirement for SFP'ers to join it, nor for BC'ers to join the SFP. (There is still a bit of overlap in membership tho'.) The Bear Cavalry operates itself independently in much the same radically autonomous fun-loving spirit that characterizes the SFP.

Spinning off good things rather than "owning and operating" them is characteristic of a revolutionary social-anarchist organization. We're intrigued about ways to build up the beloved community, not just about ways of becoming the biggest party.

Over the years, the SF Party has prototyped a wide variety of mutual aid / solidarity approaches to economics. Not too long ago, it initiated the SFP Co-op. Similar to the BC in respect that while the Co-op is managed mainly by members of the revolutionary organization, it is not "owned" by the SFP. Party membership is not required for joining the Co-op.

The SFP Co-op offers pay-it-forward / voluntary-repayment grants. This offers younger or weaker or poorer or returning players a quick boost when creating companies, setting up new factories, improving training facilities, and purchasing special building.

If you'd like to join the SFP Co-op, shoot a PM to longtime SFP RC organizer RF Williams.

So, if you're anarchists or whatever, do you participate in the government?

Yes, for good practical purposes. But we're not too obessessed about it.

While the Party loves to encourage player self-managed collective initiatives, it has long recognized the value of engaging in the central government -- both as members of Congress and as participants in the Executive -- in order to help forge policies and manage programs that boost morale, encourage plenty, and mobilize player participation.

For example, the current Chairman of the SFP Revolutionary Committee, What a Guy, is also the e-USA's Secretary of Defense, reflecting the Party's determination to help keep the nation free of imperialist occupations while making it a respected player-nation and not itself either a colonizer or colonized.

What the heck is the Revolutionary Committee?

The Party's is collectively led by its most active militants. There is very little in the way of hierarchical structures, official titles and such. Newer players are encouraged to participate in helping to keep the revolutionary project alive and lively.

The elected in-game President of the Party is also the Chair of the RC. Members of the RC can be appointed by the Chair. Any Party member can also volunteer to participate in the RC.

Hey. Why not go ahead join the Socialist Freedom Party today? It's a gas, man!