The last nail in the coffin / Végeztem.)

Day 992, 08:51 Published in Hungary Hungary by Count Adyn

Hi there,
Well, i played erepublik for quite some time now, about 1,5 year if i remember right. I've seen the sea of bugs and the mountains of exploits during that time, but now, dear admins, i am finally fed up with all of your incompetence which is starts with stupid game schemes and ends with bungling programming. Seriously, a group teenagers could come up with better ideas and code it without that much failure in the field ofsecurity and general as well. The so called „Rising” was actually a fall. Don't get me wrong, the V1 had a very instabil code, but you managed to upgrade it to a BUG with some code, cheers. You started as a developer of a great free online game, but ended up as gold-burning-enforcer paypal-hunter moneyhungry bastards, who don't give a shit about the players, whom made you what you are now. You became delusional, and managed problems with sweeping them under the carpet, with killing the liberty of press among many things. Your reaction to critics always were delete ban, like that would solve something. When ignorance is a bliss, its folly to be wise. I came to my senses at last,i choose the wise path from now, and ignore your fucked up ruin called erepublik. So please, i beg you, put me out of your misery, give me my well earned 5 FP for speaking the truth. I've achieved everything in this game, and i met a lot of valuable people and you can't get this away from me anyway, so this is how i roll:

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Összefoglalom magyarul is: elküldtem az adminokat a halál faszára a bugtenger szarjukkal együtt, úgyhogy sziasztok, nem kell nekem a napi kétkatt se ebből a fostengerből, cseten úgyis eldumálgatok az emberekkel akiket kedvelek, nem kell ehhez karakter, és nyugodtabb leszek🙂

Bye o~
Count Adyn, élt 520 napot

ja rájöttem hogy szeghetek meg mégtöbb szabályt egyszerre, regeljetek inkabb erre a játékra, szórakoztatóbb ennél a fosnál😃 >>>>

yay o/