The Last Kiss

Day 813, 19:14 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

First let me apologize in advance for the wording of this article. With my new duties as AAR Marshal I have had no spare time to create a suitable announcement.

I will not be running for Party President of the Australian Military Party for the next term instead focusing my attention on the Australian Army Reserves. I was 'tapped' for this position almost a week ago and found that I could not turn it down. How can I preach about strength in the military if I turn my back on it to suit my own needs?
I believe that you do what you say and when you commit to something you give it your full focus.

When this first began I gave my 'notice of intent' about my plans for the A.M.P and although some of my ideas have fallen by the wayside the essence of my idea remains and now the Party sits in the Top 3. 150 members do not happen by accident, much as people claim, but are the result of a lot of hard work and I can only claim to have been the compass, I pointed the way and the people of my party followed. I knew two weeks ago that the A.M.P had grown beyond what I could handle and notified my command personnel that I would not be running for P.P.

A leader MUST know when to step aside and relinquish the chains of power or else a dictatorship is formed. A dictatorship that the people of eAustralia are not yet ready for, perhaps one day but for the moment Imperium Australis has been shelved.

With this in mind I have spoken amongst the A.M.P membership and believe that we have found the perfect leader for the A.M.P. A man well respected by all and with a strength of character to do what needs to be done. He is beyond doubt one of the finest political minds in our country and as a former Country President of ePeru has a wealth of experience backing him. His name is Wally Wilson and he will be addressing you soon.

As for me, I will return to my offices in the AAR and complete the vision that our C.P and CiC have entrusted me with. I will still be heavily active in the AMP but it is time for the new leader to take the lead.

I wish to thank my supporters for allowing me a chance to prove that every new member of the game should not simply be taken for granted. Some of us bring an unknown quality and will rock the establishment to its very foundations if given a chance. I believe that my accomplishments with the AMP has done exactly that and paved the road for others to follow.

Perhaps the greatest appreciation belongs to a person who is not even in the A.M.P. A person that believed in my vision from day one and personally selected the A.M.P as my launch pad. Strangely enough he has also been my greatest nemesis. So I would like to thank Aussie Bloke, the dirty little commie 😉

Larni Kaddlestorm
AAR Marshal