The History of eIsrael Part 2

Day 3,240, 12:02 Published in Canada Canada by Jesse2016

The history of eIsreal continues with Abram who up until now was still childless because Sarai was barren, but nevertheless God promised Abram descendents as numerous as the stars and as much as the dust of the earth (speaking of the future nation of eIsreal). Now after Abram left Egypt, he had acquired a great amount of wealth and had much livestock which needed grazing grounds. But a problem arose when his nephew Lot also had livestock and the land could not support both of them grazing their livestock. So Lot decided to leave Abram and he chose the plains near Sodom as the land he wanted to claim.

The problem was that both the cities of Somom and Gomorrah were extremely wicked cities and God had a plan to destroy them; meanwhile, Lot was taken prisoner when a group of kings united and defeated the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah, carrying away all the plunder of the two cities, including Lot. When Abram heard about this, he set out with 318 trained men and defeated the victorious kings and rescued Lot and his family. He also restored all the goods from Sodom and Gomorrah but refused to take a reward from the kings after he returned their people from captivity. Now if you’re wondering why the old Israelites practiced tithing (giving ten percent of what they have), it comes from what Abram did when a priest blessed him. Abram gave the priest a tenth of what he had and it was included in the law later on that the people of Israel would give a tenth of all they owned to God.

Now a key point that being saved comes by grace through faith and not by works is shown by how Abram believed God’s promise that he would be father of a great nation and by believing, God credited it to Abram as righteousness. This sets apart Christianity from other religions like Hinduism and Islam which are largely based on works based salvation.

Therefore, the history of the peoples of eIsrael starts to take shape, as God promised to give Abram the land of eIsreal for his descendents to come.