The Glorious Leader and The Sickly Welsh.

Day 593, 11:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

Oh Glorious Leader, Where Art Thou?
At this present moment there is an election going on. It's a Presidential election. We're voting for the big cheese, head honcho, and other such descriptive titles.

If you haven't voted already, I urge you, nay, implore you to vote now. You can choose whoever you like, as long as their name starts with Hassan.

Let's have a huge surge in votes. Get the best man for the job in and get this country going.

The Sickly Welsh and the Big Plaster

I'm working with Portia Emerest and the TUP Party to get all Welsh citizens healthy again. Over the next two or three days I will be messaging folk who look ill (health under 40) and I will ask you if you want help.

If you answer yes then I will, for no charge, help you get your health sorted out and answer any questions you have about the game.