The Dude:Show Pony feeding Program

Day 3,524, 06:19 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Well hello there younguns.

This is just a small ad or a peek into how The Dude operates.

Now we all know the dude supplies it work horses 200 Q7 Weps + 5000 Q1 Food

Translatted into solid iep like chicken feed we pay them 3400 + 1265 = 4665 iep per week.

Times 4 our average workhorse have 18660 reasons to remain a dude despite being in the best mu and despite by association being just that little bit cooler than your average geese or 69'er or guff guff lpa fighter who probably get whs rhetoric for supplies.

This is 1.Blue Kiwi
2.Lliam Costello
3. Conor Dunegan
4. Bobcat05
and 5.David Allenkey

So workhorses gets in total 4665 x 5 = 23325 per week

Our show ponies which is in ranking

1. The Blooddy Wizard

2. Biednymis

3. Nerusia

BW gets on top of that 240000 iep per month.
gets 500 Q7 per week plus 5000 Q1 Food per week.

Therefore 9000 +1265 = 10265 iep per week.

So 10265 x 3 = 30795 iep per week.

54120 in total per week x 4 = 214680 +240000 = 454680

Money coming from my pocket and funded for about 2 years by myself.

That is why I call them show ponies when they dont perform because they get all the money in the world to fight for their MU but do not really consider it important to follow even articles by the commander or any of his shouts or generally TO EVEN NOT SET DO's opposite his instructions.

Nogin the Nog summed it u very well when she said all they are doing is taking advantage of a situation. And B you do not really have to pay them anything they will always fight for Ireland.

The other 85 members ask for nothing.

So anyone that wants to buy a show pony just contact me and I will give you the prize.