The Beginning: Swiss People’s Party

Day 3,955, 07:09 Published in Switzerland USA by Hale Kane

Welcome, especially to the eSwitzerland people! I give you, the Swiss People’s Party!


I have long been a political man myself. I have been a Party President, Country President, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and many other things. But something I have failed to do, is create a party from scratch and make it live.

I have always been a person who has favoured others opinions, not just because I have none; but because their opinion might be better than mine.

All are welcome to the party, come join us today!

Most Importantly, the “Program”

I thought it might be wise to install a food and weapon distribution program for “Party Members Only”. I’d like to maintain an active party, and in order to do so, you need to keep the members active.

In order to receive supplies, please fill the link below at a daily rate.