The 100 Q6 tank caption contest - vote for the funniest caption

Day 1,525, 10:08 Published in Canada Canada by Yuri Kaczynski

Over the past few days almost 40 people submitted captions for the above picture. Thanks to all for the attention this article has received!

It's now time to vote on the best comment. You are allowed to vote for your own, but if you do, you have to vote for another caption along with it. 100 Q6 tanks are in it for the winner and 20 for the runner up. The winner will be announced on Day 1,527.

Good luck to all! Here are the captions. Which one do you think is the best? You can vote via comment or PM. Also, please consider shouting this to spread the wor😛

100 free Q6 tanks are on the line! Which caption is the best?

1: Someone call the doctor its been over 4 hours
2: I guess Kronos Q found a new plaything
3: A member of the eCanadian executive attempting to flee the country
4: kronos Q testing out his first Q7 weapon.
5: Head e-rep game tester working on new Q7 weapon
6: Is that a Werner Von Braun designed rocket in yr pocket or are ya glad to see me?
7: Our administrators are currently working on the 15k Rocket Launcher.
8: Zoli relocates to Scotland with his Q6.
9: Bend over ONE I am coming for you
10: You say there is a arms race going on in eRep? I'm on top of it ...
11: I like this game becouse here, united kingdom is a divided kingdom.....
12: There are rumors that eJames eBond, disguised as a monkey, is trying to infiltrate eCanadian government and sabotage production of weapons, used in liberation of the Island.
13: Monkey (Hyneman) & Rocket. Scene from the MythBusters
14: Did you see my engine?
15: To Infinity And BEYOND!!!
16: Say hello to my liddle friend
17: Juri Gagarin First Man in Space
18: Plato?....
19: Addy can not participate in the above caption, because it has been proven that he has no sense of humor...
20: That's how we roll here at ONE HQ
21: Dear eRepublik citizens,

As all societies progress, the time has come for a change of focus, as it will no longer be about fighting in battles, but about assembling primates and then feeding the monkey.

The first step is to remove bazookas and replace them with monkey pieces. So hurry up, assemble all your existing bazooka parts and use them as long as they are still relevant to the game. You have a few days left before we toss you another banana.

Keep in touch,

22: Apes gonna lead Ereps with that new gadget ! !
23: I've got a weapon of mass destruction in my-... oh wait, I'm not wearing pants.
24: If KronosQ and TemujinBC had a love child, this would be him and his weapon of choice........... Betcha he's got a HUGE BUTT too..........
25: Ever sucked a dick you didn't like
26: Ever since scientists discovered that monkey semen can be used as rocket fuel, Jojo has had some pretty interesting dates.
27: I will be back.
28: Relax, I got this.
29: A test monkey is preparing for the ultimate question: Can Poland into Space?
30: pssst. Whatcha think of Plato's Bazooka replacement? Oops me and my big mouth!
31: Plato has been discovered hoarding scopes by Lana, and is attempting to flee the eWorld in search of other online games to Admin
32: Call your doctor if you have an erection lasting over 4 hours...
34: Meet one of Serbia's +200 daily new players
35: in other news terra is within stiking distance of the serbian capital, in a desprate attempt to hold terra forces back, they have passed a bill to use monkey guided weaponry, seeing that serbian civilians are fleeing the country
36: "No, it's not my keyes, neither my cell phone, I'm just happy to see you..."
E. Monkey
37: WOW! The eSerbs have nukes? I guess belgrade not going to be a problem for long