That was fun...

Day 1,021, 11:40 Published in Singapore United Kingdom by Thedark ace

This was previously a MoD article, it was released before I had access to Singapore Defense Organization. But, here's wut and wut.

New military:

3 Divisions:

1-The Homeguard,

Back to the old stuff. The main core of the military. Everyone who isn't in the Elite or a Politician goes here. Available for deployment and has no limits. The divisions will be split between 4 units, air, artillery, rifle and tank.

2- The Elite,

If someone can think up a more imaginative name, I'll use it. I didn't use Torchwood, as something Relorian said. But, the requirements to join are Veteran in one strength skill, and General Rank. It will be deploying a lot hopefully.

3- Politicians army,

This won't fuss you unless your a PP, Congressmen or Teh You Jing. The requirement is to voted into a part of politics. No deployments, no nothing.

I'll be releasing an article in a few days telling you to join the military. Help your country. Join the military, expect more from me 😃

I'll be contacting those in the "old military", to see if they are in the "new military". Enjoy a new month Singapore ;p

Thedark ace