That's all Folks!

Day 3,273, 22:52 Published in Norway Denmark by Joshua Morriseau

Another month has gone by and with that my 7th term as President of Norway has also come to an end. I want to thank everyone who has supported me this month. I had intended to run one more month if things were still a little unstable but I believe we are in a better position now than we were a few weeks ago.

Its true that a lot of what I wanted to do this month did not happen. I had big ambitions this month and sadly I have failed. This month we faced unprovoked aggression and betrayal and because of this, October got turned upside down. It was great to see our community and allies come together in our time of need and I appreciate everything all of you did to help protect Norway.

Sadly our TW with Netherlands never really got under way, however they have been important strategic regional partners this month as well as other Orion nations. To them you have Norway's ever lasting gratitude.

A rental deal has been negotiated for one of our regions with an ally and the details have been worked out, but because its so close to the end of the month I will leave it for the next government to finalize it so hopefully we will see that in the coming week.

And I must point out someone who made this entire month possible. That of course is Norway's very own taulen. Without taulen this month could have gone completely wrong. Because of his dedication, loyalty and fierce understanding of what it is to be eNorwegian taulen made this entire month possible and I can never thank him enough. Some countries give out medals. We don't but if we did I would hand him 100. When you get a chance please thank him, he has done more this month than most of us do for Norway in an entire year. Thank you taulen.

And with this I gladly hand the reigns over to our next President. As I am writing this fairly close to the end of the election and the results look final, let me be the first to congratulate hans erik who is most likely to be our next CP. I know he will handle things as he always does. With the right attitude and an honourable approach. As well I must congratulate M.d.R on a fine campaign, unfortunately I know he has been under the weather so I also wish him a speedy recovery.

As always don't forget to V,S,S&E!

Kind Regards,

President of Norway