Thank you to all eCanadians!!!

Day 718, 07:22 Published in Canada Canada by Treian

Greetings my fellow eCanadians!!

As the title of this article may suggest, I am writing this to say thanks to a number of people to whom I owe a debt of gratitute to. However, I would firstly like to offer my congradulations to the team of William Duncan and Derek Harland on their re-election as Prime Minister and deputy Prime Minister respectively. I wish you both the best of luck in your upcomming term. May all the great things you have planned for our nation come to fruition.

Now that I have said that, my first thank you goes out to all my fellow candidates. Overall I think we all ran some great campaigns and we did it without the need for any negative "mud slinging" in the media. I think that was one of the best and cleanest elections run by the candidates in a while. So to you all I say thank you for taking the high road with me.

To my party, the CNC. I cannot thank you all enough for the hard work, the moral support and even the gold spent out of your own pockets to buy me some advertising. I am both humbled and flattered by your generosity and your kindness. Thank you for believing in me and for all the campaign help. I could not have done any of this without you all. You have re-energised me and have re affirmed in my eyes that the CNC is one of the best groups of people there are!!

To all the members of the CPF, I owe you all a huge thanks. Firstly for voting and backing me up in this election, and secondly for all your positive comments and compliments on the platform and cabinet. After I won your nomination you all treated me like I was one of your own. Your support and help in this election was outstanding, so to you all, my deepest thanks!!

And now a thank you to all the eCanadians who voted, not just for me, but for all the candidates. With a turnout of 1300+ this election drew a huge crowd. Voting is a woderful privelege that we all take for granted at some time or another. By voting you help choose the leader of our great nation and make your voice heard. Thank you for that.

In some ways I feel like I have failed my supporters and the people of eCanada, but in many others I feel like I have accomplished a lot within that failure. While I could not deliver what would have been, in my eyes, eCanada's first true non partisan cabinet, I did have an article get voted into the top 5 and then hit #1 for the first time in my career. I did get many votes of confidence and comments of support from many of eCanada's top citizens. Lastly, my name has been included in many articles and I garnered the support of many of eCanada's more prominent writers.

With all that I will take many positives from this, and I will continue to work towards my eventual goal. I will start putting out articles on a regular basis and keeping all of you who have supported me though this, updated on my ideas and oppinions.
Thank you all again!!

Member of the Order of Canada
Loyal eCanadian Knight
Member of Congress