Taulen's MM Campaign -- GIVING AWAY 42 000 HEALTH AND 700 Q5 TANKS

Day 1,435, 14:08 Published in Brazil Norway by taulen

Hey there!


I'm also going to give away :
25 tanks to a random subscriber between number 000 and 0200 ! Diklofenak just won 25 tanks !!
25 tanks to a random subscriber between number 201 and 0400 ! nixon_zg just won 25 tanks !!
50 tanks to a random subscriber between number 485 and 0515 ! andon_kz just won 50 tanks !!
25 tanks to a random subscriber between number 401 and 0600 ! K.Cholakov just won 25 tanks !!
25 tanks to a random subscriber between number 601 and 0800 ! kuarw just won 25 tanks !!
25 tanks to a random subscriber between number 801 and 1000 ! NauLxD just won 25 tanks !!

I'm giving away 2000 Q1 food (4 000 health), 2000 Q2 food (8 000 health), 2000 Q3 food (12 000 health), 1000 Q4 food (8 000 health), 1000 q5 food (10 000 health) and 700 Q5 tanks, all you have to do is subscribe and vote this article and have luck!

PROOF: http://i54.tinypic.com/208flub.png

To qualify for the give away you have to do the following:
1. Vote & subscribe this newspaper 🙂
2. Comment with your subscribtion and vote number
3. Shout : [MM]GIVING AWAY 42 000 HEALTH AND 975 Q5 TANKS www.erepublik.com/en/article/1890285/1/20

I will use random.org services to draw out winners (based on subscriper number), which will happen on Wednesday, 02.11.2011 or when I reach 1000 subscribers. (I need to be close to the goal to fulfill the give away, lets say minimum 800 subs!)

There will be several winners.

Two (2) players will get 1000 Q1 food each.
Two (2) players will get 1000 Q2 food each.
Two (2) players will get 1000 Q3 food each.
One (1) player will get 1000 Q4 food.
One (1) player will get 1000 Q5 food.
1 lucky player will get 300 Q5 tanks.
1 lucky player will get 200 Q5 tanks.
And 2 lucky players will get 100 Q5 tanks each.

So in total there will be 12 winners. Don't miss the chance and subscribe and shout NOW!

Have a nice evening and good luck!

( "Borrowed" some of the text from rafterman - He have a similar campaign going on atm : http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/1889378/1/20 )