Take a Step Back

Day 1,835, 17:01 Published in Canada Canada by Funky 24

While I was away, I noticed some issues with the CPF while reading the media...

- PTOing another party
- PTOing one of Rolo's parties (Really?)
- Letting Jacobi be PP of the party
- Picking ElPato over Foxfire and failing to reward CW for their loyalty
- Not condemning Elame-o's betrayal of the CPF
- Once again our Congress members follow the yellow fat man like he's our pied piper
- Losing Plugson for some reason?

I mean, it's not like I'm just being judgemental? That's not me in the slightest. I'm just wondering if you're all trying to prod me to get back in the game on purpose.

But now I'm back and there's no way this world I'm taking another (splendid by the way) vacation from eRep for, um...