Short statement on the recent Greek and Southern joint aggression

Day 4,210, 03:18 Published in North Korea North Korea by DPRKorea 4.25

The power-hungry and ruthless Greek Empire has again decided to attack our Nation in an act of imperialist aggression, prompted by the evil capitalist South.

The South, who are in an alliance with the Greeks, attacked from the South while the Greeks attacked from the North.

Where things were looking bright a few days ago, with Greece in control of our border with China, effectively blocking any attack from the Chinese imperialists, and where we thought that we could simply oust the Chinese and leave the Greeks to their own business with China, the South has once again shown their aggesive stance towards Socialism and a Unified Korea.

Therefore, what I wrote earlier on fighting on the Greek side against China to uphold the status-quo of Greece being a de-facto separation force between our Country and the Chinese Imperialists, is now not relevant anymore and completely void.

The Party holds the view that taking side in a proxy war on our own soil has no benefit for our Struggle and Revolution.

Rather our principle is to repel all invading forces until every inch of our soil is cleansed from their evil. We have succeeded before against the Japanese, the Americans, and we will eventually succeed against all other imperialist aggressors.

So fight them, not making any distinction between them, as all of them are enemies of the People!

Let's end this short message with a quote from our Eternal Leader KIM IL SONG: "The oppressed peoples can liberate themselves only through struggle. This is a simple and clear truth confirmed by history."