Short Interviews with Nithraldur and JohnSmith 2K9

Day 835, 04:53 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bristel Akina

Shining Star News has sent out interview questions to the An Taoiseach candidates, and has received answers back from 2 candidates at the publishing of this article.

Here are the interviews:

Shining Star News: When did you start your political career and how has that affected your time here on eRepublik and eIreland?

Nithraldur: "My political was started 2 years ago, on day 95 of the New World. The effects were great and still linger today, as I find myself running for the High Office once more. Irish politics have always been entertaining, once civilised, once less - civilised *wink*. All in all, I'm enjoying Ireland. It has it's downsides, but hey, who doesn't?"

JohnSmith 2K9: "I started my political career back in August when i joined eIRP, now AE, where i ran for TD under IV in the Northwest. Well from that i have made a lot of friends including, Dylan, Moo, OJ, Biffo, Ray and when eIRP fell, i moved to IFP where i have been since, and i have loved every min of it."

SSN: If elected, what do you hope to accomplish during your time as An Taoiseach?

Nithraldur: "My aims are to be able to execute my plans concerning the Ministries. I aim to make sure that Ireland can work out it's problems underneath the surface and finally manage to work together, combine the ideas and views and mold an even better 'perfect' image. I'm hoping this approach will give better results. If in the end it doesn't, then atleast we can say we've tried it, together. There would be no need to call blame on a single person because than we would all have tried our best. United we stand, divided we fall, eh?"

JohnSmith 2K9: "if i was made President, i want to make Ireland more on the world stage, us with a better econmany, a more happier people and the people United not auguring with each other, a better Military, us ready for V2, i am for Change, if anyone wants the full list the can find it in my Newspaper."

SSN Who was the most influential on your political career?

Nithraldur: "The most influential? Gosh, that's a hard one. I'm not one to be easily influenced by anything or anyone. What I've learned in my time here, that not all people are who they seem they are. Not a lot of them are actually sincere. Trusting people in this game is a dangerous game, hence why I am even more reluctant to let my decisions be influenced by anyone. Of course, I'm not insensitive and I am always open to a constructive debate founded on facts. Opinions can be changed that way, but not in a way where you cling yourself to the appearance of a single 'mentor'."

JohnSmith 2K9: "I think Moo, Edana or Dylan as they have been a great source of info if i ever need it and all have helped me a lot, i owe them a lot."

SSN: What do you think eIreland will be in six months?

Nithraldur: "I'm not a betting kind of man. If I were allowed to venture a guess without repercussions, I'd say we'd have expanded our borders. Maybe not far, but just a little. This would also mean an increased risk of hostility towards us by other countries. Of course this is all hypothetical, who'se to say how things will develop. I think this will be greatly influenced by the coming of V2 and the changes brought to the economic and military module."

JohnSmith 2K9: "In 6 months i think Ireland will have a good econmany, a larger Population and all together happier and fun times. If possible i would love to see us with another region. But we are no in shape right now for a long war."


Shining Star News wishes to thank Nithraldur and JohnSmith 2K9 for these quick interviews, and expresses regret and wishes to apologize to the other candidates for not getting the interview questions sent in time.

Shining Star News also wishes all the candidates the best of luck.

-Bristel Akina, Editor in Cheif