Shermain raps up rally in DC, see what he said abou health care!

Day 700, 20:59 Published in USA USA by Shermain

We are stronger today than one month ago. Since PEACE attacked the eUS we showed PEACE our resolve. As the war with PEACE is still front and center, our health care system is important as well.

Health Care:
Some have proposed that hospitals should be in every state, we know that can not be done at this time. Due to the fact that we do not have the gold to support this huge overhaul onto our health care sector and most of all the effect caused to our eUS economy. Having said that, we must make some tough decisions. If you look in many States like FL, CA, and a few others have huge populations, many of the citizens are inactive, dead, dying, or some even banned. So for some one to build a hospital just because of state population is high, is a waste of money. I am not in favor of massive hospital expansion at this time. I am however in favor of what I call a regional Health Care System. One hospital in the South, North East, Mid-West, and West Coast regions.
As is stands today:
South (FL)
West (CA)
North East (TBA)
Mid-West (TBA)
Two hospitals are not placed at this time but should be looked at in the days to come if elected to congress. I think the placement of the other two hospitals should be placed in a based on

High Resources – these are key to defend because they are so valuable to our economy.
High Active Population – which would increases the wall of a state solely based on the amount of citizens residing in it.
Where jobs are more likely to be created which would create a growing population and a growing gdp.
To sum it up; Delaware, ND, SD, Wyoming are important States, do they need health care facilities, yes, do they need them right now, no. I know this may seems mean, but I will not run on promises I can not deliver. I will fight for health care solutions! I will fight for you as it pertains to a growing economy! We grow strongest in our patience!
My name is Shermain, and I am running in the Great State of the District of Columbia. Thanks & good night!